Caught (BuckyXSteve)

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AN: two uploads one day because I wrote them when I was away from Wifi. This one is for 

Summary: Barnes walks in on his lover pleasuring himself, an act Barnes never thought his partner would ever do.

Third Person's POV

Bucky Barnes had just finished his shower and dragged himself into the apartment's living room. Rogers and him had planned a night where they would watch movies. The both had about seventy years worth of films to catch up on. Barnes took the soda that was left on the kitchen table and walked towards the living area.

He paused at the door frame as he heard a noise. He frowned as he realised it was groaning, he peered through the door and saw his partner on the couch. Steve Rogers had his back to Barnes but the older man knew what Rogers was currently occupied with. He continued to watch quietly from the doorway and wondered if he should intervene.

He felt his pants grow tighter as Steve's moans grew a little louder. Barnes bit his lip and steadied himself. He wondered what Rogers was thinking about, it must have been mind blowing for Captain America to react as such.

He knew he had to stop Rogers before he'd touch himself.

"S-Steve." His voice cracked, his voice had never done that before. The blonde flinched and scrambled to readjust his clothing. The two made eye contact and a wave of silence drowned the room. "I finished showering."

"I gather that." Rogers panted, his cheeks flushed red. Barnes stepped into the room and walked towards the couch. Blue eyes followed his movements and watched as Barnes took a seat next to Rogers. "Do you want to start watching?"

"Never in a million years would I think you'd be the type to jack off." Barnes thoughts was elsewhere, Steve groaned in embarrassment.

"You're never going to drop this ar-"

"My innocent image of you has disappeared."


"What on earth was on your mind when you did that? Bet it's something really kinky. Captain America has a dark side." The brunette laughed to himself and glanced over at his partner who was still red with embarrassment.

"I wasn't thinking of-"

"C'mon tell me."

"It wasn't anyth-"

"C'mon. I won't spill the beans." Barnes pressed and watched as the other man licked his lips. The blonde stayed silent for a while and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You." Rogers whispered, Barnes raised an eyebrow, surprised by the answer.

"It's so sweet that you get turned on by me." Bucky chuckled and tilted his lover's chin up. Rogers refused to make eye contact. "You really are so adorable."

"Is it strange?"

"What? That you get turned on by your boyfriend? Yes, very strange." Bucky continued to laugh as his voice was laced with sarcasm. Rogers glanced up, his eyes glinted underneath the lights.

He hadn't seen his best friend laugh in a while. Just a year ago the man hadn't recovered from the trauma of HYDRA. Steve had tried his best to ease his partner back into life, but to think that he'd laugh again so soon shocked him. Rogers couldn't help but smile a little.

"What did you want to watch?" Rogers decided to change the subject and straightened his posture. The other man shrugged, indifferent about the film choice. "Tony's practically given me a scroll of items."

"What the hell does Stark see us as? Cavemen?" Barnes scoffed. Steve laughed.

"He said they were good."

"Stark's definition of good is very different to ours."

"He said if we don't watch Star Wars we're dead to him." The blonde explained and turned on the television. The program that they had watched their media on was already open. The genius had already installed the program on their devices for ease of access. "It couldn't hurt to watch one. Alot of people have told me to watch it."

"I guess you have a point." Barnes sighed as he realised that the film was quite popular. "Is it on this thing?" He took the remote and flicked through the movies.

"Tony said it had everything." Rogers muttered and pressed his head against Barnes's flesh arm. The older man eventually found the film and played it.

"Did thinking of me really make you that hard?" Barnes suddenly asked as they were twenty minutes into the film. Rogers groaned and rolled his eyes. "I wonder what you'll be like when you have the real thing."

"You said you were going to watch the film."

"That was before I caught you touching yourself." Bucky smiled as his hand moved down the other man's thigh. He watched as Rogers froze at the sudden touch. "We can pause the movie you know?"

"I hate you."

"Really? Because twenty minutes ago you were-"

Rogers kissed him. Mostly to shut the other man up but also because he wanted to. Barnes eagerly kissed him back and felt the blonde climb atop of him.

"Do you want it for real this time?"

"Yes." Steve breathed, "Just shut up and take your clothes off." 

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