Prince (ClintxPietro) [Medieval AU??][I really botched this AU, forgive me]

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AN: I'm sorry for doing Clint x Pietro twice in a row lmfao. I'll get onto the other ones soon because apparently I never do my prompts in order of relevance. 
Got this prompt to do something like a Kingdom/Price AU and all that, problem is I have no clue about any of this medieval era, so bear with me with how I interpret it and how this is written. I wish I can say I have context of the era from watching things like Game of Thrones but hahah I have seen like 3 episodes of that show.

Summary: Clint Barton was arranged to marry Wanda Maximoff but falls in love with her brother instead.

Third Person's POV

Prince Clint Barton got down on one knee and bowed his head at the presence of the King and Queen of Sokovia. He was to be betrothed to the princess of the kingdom, he didn't have any strong feelings to or against the arranged marriage. He was simply following the orders of his father.

"I understand you are here to take my daughter's hand in marriage." The King said, Barton stayed on the ground only his eyes glancing up to meet the King's gaze.

"Yes my liege." The blonde prince muttered.

"Although this has already been pre-arranged, I need to know that you are worthy enough for my daughter. You are to spar my son, if you prove to be capable enough, then you have my full blessing." The King said, Barton narrowed his eyes and nodded. "My servants will take you to the court yard"

Barton did not know much about the children of the King. He simply knew their names, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. He was simply to be married to their daughter to join the two Kingdoms together and help win the war against the Jotuns.

He stood up and bowed in front of the King once again before he followed the servant. His right arm rested atop the hilt of his sword as he continued to walk. He was eventually greeted with the grand courtyard with beautiful flowers blooming.

The princess caught his eye, she sat underneath a tree watching her brother train with a sword. Wanda had fair skin and her eyes sparkled underneath the soft sunlight, she was beautiful he'll give her that but he didn't know much about her personality.

No matter how much he liked or disliked her, he had to marry her either way. The Maximoffs paused as they realised they had company.

Once again Barton dropped down to one knee in front of the princess and she smiled sweetly at him. He managed a small smile and opened his mouth to speak.

"Princess, so good to finally meet you." The blonde said, he could feel the stare of her younger brother. He wasn't sure if Pietro had strong feelings of distaste or if he was simply studying Barton.

"Quite the same my prince." She said, "This is my brother Pietro, I understand you are to battle him for my hand." Barton stood up once again and glanced over the young man who had a smirk on his face.

"You're supposed to marry him? He looks like he can barely fight." Pietro scoffed and turned his back to the blonde. Barton raised his eyebrow but decided not to say anything that might cause any trouble.

"Well, if you best me, I will never have to set foot into this Kingdom again." Barton regarded, the princess felt the tense aura between her future husband and her brother. The blonde stripped away his heavy armour and unsheathed his sword.

He studied the metal for a short while before Pietro broke him away from his thoughts. "I heard your blade is made out of a special metal." Barton slowly lowered he blade by his side and shrugged. "Vibranium ja? Heard it was gifted to you because you are a skilled fighter, guess we'll see about that."

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