Shenanigans (Science Bros)

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AN: Hey guys, have a Science Bros prompt for you guys. I'm terribly sorry that the person who requested this had to wait like 8 months for my reply. Please, please tell me if I forget to do yours because sometimes it's because I forget or I just haven't read the prompt.

Summary: When Tony Stark teases Banner in the labs you can't really expect any good things to happen...or do you?

Third Person's POV

"Whaddup" Stark said, as he walked into the lab without a care in his mind. Banner glanced up from his microscope and just shrugged. There were an arrangement of different things going on, specimen, chemicals and live animals.

"Researching mitosis" The doctor replied, "Can I help you?"

"Well yes, you're always cooped up in this damn lab. Come out! Live a little, you do have a life don't you Doctor Banner?" Stark motioned, Banner just sighed and stared at him. The doctor moved over to where the chemicals were and studied them.

"I'm sorry that my life isn't as extravagant as yours" Banner replied, Stark just smirked and wrapped his arms around the other man's waist. The doctor nearly jumped, "Tony, I'm handling chemicals"

"So...?" Stark whispered, resting his head on Bruce's shoulder. "Pay attention to me, I'm borrrred"

"Don't you have things you need to do?"


"Well go find something to do"

"But I can't resist your adorable face" Stark teased, Banner flushed red. He set down his equipment and turned around to face Stark, the genius let him go. "Really? A compliment and then you pay attention to me?"

"I didn't turn because you complimented me Stark" Bruce groaned, "Besides there's nothing we can do"

"You want to bet on that?" Stark raised his eyebrows, "I can think about 5 things to do and one of them involves this lab and everything off the bench"

Banner gave him a look and Tony just grinned, "Tony no, we're not doing that"

"You didn't even hear what it was" The genius smirked, Bruce groaned and took of his glasses to rub his eyes.

"I think I know what you're trying to say to me"

"Which is...?"

"I'm not going to say it out loud just for your pleasure" The doctor explained, putting his glasses back on. Tony moved closer and wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist again, Bruce could smell the heavy cologne and alcohol.

"Then let's just do it" Stark toyed, "No one's going to see anything"

"I don't think that's my concern with this idea"

"Oh, you want everyone to see?"

"No! Damn it Tony, stop twisting my words!" Bruce snapped, never the less he let Stark rest his head on his chest. Banner then sighed giving in, "Why don't we do something else?"

"Like?" Tony asked, letting Bruce speak.

"I don't know, get lunch? Go out? Anything other than your plan here" Bruce smiled, Tony glanced up.

"I never said we had to do it here, it was just a suggestion" Tony smirked, bringing up his shenanigans again. Bruce just groaned in disgust, Stark laughed. "Kidding, let's get lunch"

"That sounds good" Bruce said, sighing with relief. "What do you want to have?"

"Let's just walk and browse around I suppose" Tony shrugged, letting go of Bruce and dragging him out of the labs.

"T-Tony, I think I need to go change first" Bruce stumbled, trying to stop Stark.

"Just take off the damn lab coat and you'll be fine!" Stark insisted, then he turned around. "Unless you want me to do it for you?"

Banner then grabbed Stark and pushed him against the sofa that was situated outside the lab, Stark chuckled. "Because you won't shut up, let's just do it here ok?"

"That sounds good to me" Tony grinned, then taking off Bruce's lab coat and so forth. 

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