Date Me? (TonyXSteve)

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AN: Alright so yes I apologise for not updating for nearly a month? But I've had writer's block and I've gotten caught up with school. Since no one really prompted me BUT IF YOU DID IM SORRY AND PLEASE WRITE IT AGAIN. I wanted to write another SteveXTony again just for an update until I can get a reply from you guys.

Summary: When Steve and Tony fight over who gets to date Clint, they end up falling in love themselves.

Third Person's POV

"Back off Rogers you have no chance"

"And you think you have a better one?"

They glared at each other creating an eerie and uncomfortable silence, Stark huffed angrily and crossed his arms. Over the past month the two have been competing to fight over Clint Barton's heart. Being Clint, he never realised what was going on he just assumed that the two were suddenly being really nice towards him.

"I've been his best friend for as long as I can remember" Tony retorted, narrowing his eyes towards the Captain. Normally Steve wouldn't even bother arguing with Stark but this time it was over something important so he wasn't go to back down.

"And you think he's ever seen you as anything else?" Rogers bit back, Stark snarled at him and turned away.

"Give it two weeks and then we both ask him" Was all the engineer said before angrily storming out of the room.


"Hey do you want to grab some pizza?" Steve asked as Clint was playing on his console. He glanced towards Steve and then back at the video game.

"That sounds good, let me just finish this game" Barton replied, pressing rapidly on the button and then cursing to himself as his character died. Steve smiled fondly and glanced back towards the book he was reading.

But a couple of moments later, Stark strolled in with boxes of pizza and laid them down on the table. Rogers shut his book and glared towards the man but Tony just grinned. Clint seemed to notice and paused his game before walking over towards the food laid out on the table.

"Steve and I were just going to go out to grab some, what a coincidence" Barton said, opening a box and pulling away a slice of pizza. Rogers stood up and walked towards the table glaring at Stark the entire time.

"Ah yes, what a coincidence right Steve?" Tony mocked, biting into a slice as well. Rogers just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.


"Dude where are you? I thought we were going to grab lunch?" Tony asked as he talked to Barton over the phone.

"Oh shit, I completely forgot. Steve asked me if I wanted to go to the beach this morning and I hadn't taken Lucky in a while" Barton said frantically, in the background Tony could hear the calming ocean and the sounds of seagulls. "Maybe we could re-schedule?"

Stark scowled and gripped tightly onto the phone but managed to grit out his words, "Yeah sure, have fun"

"I'm so sorry" Barton apologised again but then started laughing at the other end of the phone, "Steve I swear if you splash me wi-"

Tony hung up before he could finish the sentence and throwing his phone across the room, then sitting down on a nearby chair running his hand though his hair. He glanced over at his computer screen and examined the date. Tomorrow was the day that they would both ask Clint who he liked, Tony groaned and realised there was not much he could do other than hope.


"Alright I'm calling an intervention" Barton got up as he saw Rogers and Stark walk towards him. The two shared a look and stopped moving. "What has been up with you guys over the past couple of weeks?"


"Nothing" They answered simultaneously which resulted in a death glare. Barton moaned and face palmed.

"That is precisely what I'm talking about!" Barton pointed at them in an exaggerated manner, "For one thing you guys have been super nice to me and secondly you've been so competitive over simple things"

The two shared looks again before sighing.

"Look Clint-"

"There's something that you have to know" They both spoke at the same time again, Rogers motioned that Stark continued. "We both like you a lot so that's why we've been competitive to try and win you over. So we just want to know who you like better"

Barton frowned and cocked his head to one side before sitting down again but then he laughed to himself. "You guys are so stupid its funny"

"What?" Rogers and Stark said at the same time once again which earned another cold stare.

"You do realise I'm seeing someone right?"

"You're what?!" They both exclaimed, Barton winced and frowned.

"Haven't I told you?" The archer asked, crossing his arms and then pulling out his phone showing it to the both of them. "I've been posting it as well"

Stark and Rogers both stared at the screen, swiping right to reveal more photos. What surprised the both of them the most was who he was dating. It was none other than Matt Murdock (AN: I can't I ship them so much).

"I've been so busy trying to win you over I haven't touched social media" Stark muttered, studying the photos. He handed the phone back to Clint and sighed glancing over at Rogers who seemed pretty bummed out.

"Well now that that's cleared, can I suggest something" Clint smirked.

"What?" Tony asked.

"Why don't you two date?" The archer suggested. Stark and Rogers laughed at the same time, "No I'm serious, try it out"

The two studied each other once more and Tony shrugged. "I don't see why not. Want to give it a shot old man?"

"I highly doubt it'll work out but yeah I suppose we could try" Rogers commented, Barton grinned to himself satisfied with his work. "Well Tony, would you like to go out with me?"

"Of course Captain Rogers" Stark winked at him, Rogers rolled his eyes before motioning for him to leave. Barton made signs that things were going to work out fine and for some odd reason Steve believed that.

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