I hate you (SamXBucky)

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AN: So a couple of you guys requested SamXBucky and after watching Civil War, I think they became one of my favourite ships. So I'll happily write them for you, be sure to leave me prompts guys XD

Summary: Sure Wilson may say he hates Barnes but the two get along... well to an extent.

Third Person's POV

"You used to wear newspapers in your shoes" Barnes scoffed, glancing at his friend. Wilson wanted to roll his eyes at the sappy bullshit that came out of his mouth.

"You can't read that In a museum" Rogers smiled fondly, Wilson spoke up still stressed about this whole situation.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Wilson questioned, Barnes looked his general direction. He couldn't tell whether the assassin wanted to kill him or just looked shady with his hair covering his eyes.

"What did I do?" Bucky sounded desperate and scared.

"Enough" His friend said, Barnes sighed and glanced at the floor. His arm still pinned to the machinery.

"I knew this would happen" Bucky said, Rogers looked at him and motioned him to explain. Firstly he loosened the machinery that trapped his metal arm. Bucky stretched out his hand and started explaining.

"They can take the whole country down in one night and you'd never see them coming" He said, when he finished explaining the situation to both Wilson and Rogers. Wilson walked towards Steve and talked beside his ear.

"This would be a whole lot easier if we could..." Wilson started.

"If we call Tony" Steve finished.

"Oh, he won't believe us"

"Even if he did-"

"Who knows if the Accords will let him help" They finished their sentences in perfect sync, and Barnes raised an eyebrow at that. Steve huffed and glanced at his best friend for a couple of seconds before looking back at Wilson.

"We're on our own" The captain acknowledged.

"Maybe not" Wilson shrugged, having the exact person in mind.


Wilson and Barnes were cramped together in that small getaway car, with Rogers out of the car it was more breathable of course but it was still tight. They watched from the car as Rogers and Sharon were exchanging a conversation, she opened the boot of her car and revealed their gear. Wilson felt relieved the minute he saw his suit.

"Can you move your seat up?" Barnes said, sounding as if he was pleading. Wilson would have probably moved up his seat but considering it was Barnes, he decided to say.

"No" The words were clear and Bucky sighed, then shifting to his left. Wilson smirked slightly and watched as Sharon and Rogers kept talking. Then at one point they moved closer, "Do you think...?"

Then it happened they kissed, Barnes and Wilson felt happy that their friend finally landed a kiss after 70 years. Steve smiled and then stared their general direction, they gave him the 'hell yeah' kind of look. Bucky even smiled and Rogers gave them the "really?" look. The minute the captain stepped into the car they nagged him about it.

"I've never seen you so close to a girl" Barnes teased, but still uncomfortable with his seating.

"You finally landed a girl" Wilson smirked, Rogers flushed and sighed.

"You two do realise that girls, are not my area" Steve explained, Bucky knew that of course but this was new to Wilson. He just shrugged and nodded, now accepting the fact that Captain America was into men.


The next time the two were put together was at the airport, they spied from a distance to find the hellicarier. The minute Barton shot the arrow, it signalled that the fight had started. The two immediately started running for the quinjet.

Then they heard a thud by the window, all they saw was red.

"What the hell was that?" Barnes asked.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now" Wilson sighed, as they kept running. Parker smashed through the window and kicked Wilson against a wall. Barnes turned to punch him but Parker caught his arm.

"You have a metal arm? That's awesome dude!" Parker sounded genuinely astounded, Barnes had never had someone stop him before and never the less had someone complimented his arm. Wilson then flew into the spider, Parker struggled. "You have the right to remain silent!"

Wilson flew away and Parker jumped back swinging his webs and catching up with Wilson. Barnes chased them as best he could from the ground. Then Spiderman kicked him, Wilson groaned and fell back. The kid shot his web at Wilson's arm and he was stuck.

"Are those wings carbon fibre?" The kid asked, eager to learn. Wilson frowned, not even sure what that meant.

"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Wilson sounded disgusted, Barnes could see them from a distance.

"That would explain the rigidity flexibility ration, which gotta say, that's awesome man" He started to get carried away with science.

"I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talking" Wilson snapped, Barnes was close he puffed and kept running.

"Alright, sorry, my bad" The kid acknowledged, still sticking to the wall. Then jumping up, swinging a web and motioned to kick Wilson. Barnes jumped in front and blocked the attack, they fell through the glass and landed on their backs. They groaned in pain. Spiderman then shot his web at Bucky's left arm and started talking again.

"Guys look, I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job today and I gotta impress Mr Stark" The spider started, Sam started to play with the controls of Red Wing. "So, I'm really sorry"

Before Parker could do anything, a grapple grabbed his arm and red wing dragged him out of the building with him screaming.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Barnes sighed in annoyance, laying on the ground.

"I hate you" Wilson sighed, debating not to say anything after that.


Wilson hated to admit it but he was going to miss Barnes, the soldier said he had wanted to go back into cryosleep. He sat on the couch, glancing out into the Wakandan forests, if anything he was just glad he got out of that prison. Then someone gripped his shoulder, he glanced up and frowned.

"Hey" It was Barnes, Wilson flustered.

"Didn't you say you were going back into ice age?" Wilson joked, Barnes scoffed.

"Well, with all things considered. Wakanda is a relatively safe place, I'm sure I could stay here for a little while longer" Bucky explained, Sam nodded happy that his friend was back. "Plus, we still got to find Steve a boyfriend"


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