Take Things Slow (ClintxPietro)

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AN: an update so soon? I know how shocking but honestly I just wanted to get something out to sorta apologise for the shitty last chapter (but honestly am planning 1 more overall concluding more happier chapter?? Because I hate how it ended). Somebody also requested Clint x Pietro like a long ass while ago so I thought I'd finally get around to it.

Summary: Just a classic, undercover but we need to play lovers AU between Clint and Pietro (who has a massive crush on Clint).

Third Person's POV

Awkward was one way he could define his relationship with Clint Barton; well, perhaps awkward for him. He understood that crushes were childish, but he desperately liked the absent minded blonde. Even being in the same room with the man caused his heart to race exponentially. Perhaps the worst thing about all of this; Clint simply treated him like a younger brother. Those days where the man teased him, he'd rather Clint just pull him into a fervent kiss.

"If Pietro goes in with Barton, we can probably take the key card faster." The mission briefing broke him away from his thoughts. He blinked as he watched Tony Stark pull up the blueprint of the building and displayed it as a hologram. "From there Pietro can just pass it to Natasha."

"I'll access the mainframe and take what we need. Then I'll cut the power so you guys can come in and finish up." She spoke up as she followed the plan. He frowned as he realised he hadn't exactly been following the briefing.

"Maximoff, did you get any of that?" Stark raised an eyebrow as he realised that the younger man hadn't been paying attention. He felt the heat rise to his cheeks out of embarrassment but realised there was no point in lying.

Tony let out one of those sighs that clearly meant he was done. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty but glanced upwards when somebody else started speaking.

"You and I are going in as partners." Clint spoke and crossed his arms across his body.

Wait what?

The thought hit him like a train and wondered what that exactly meant.

"P-Partners?" He stumbled and watched as piercing blue eyes met his. He swallowed and felt his heart race once again.

"Yeah, lovers however you want to place it." The blonde smirked, "Don't worry we don't ever have to kiss." His throat tightened upon itself and it felt as if the temperature of the room continued to rise.

"A-And why exactly are we going in? And not anybody else?"

"I finished up a mission recently, I had to gain intel on an arms dealer. He's agreed to meet with me tonight at this ball or gala, however you want to phrase it." Clint explained as brief as he could. "One of his men holds a key card that gains us access to the main server room. Once we take that, Natasha can hack the mainframe and collect enough information to arrest him. You're coming with me because with your abilities you'll be able to take that card both discreetly and quickly."

"Oh." Was the only thing that left his lips.

"Did you get all that? Or do I need to repeat myself and bore the entire room once again?" Clint continued to smile at him. His heartbeat was almost too loud for him to even hear his own thoughts.

"I got it." He grumbled begrudgingly and proceeded to let the room continue their meeting. For the rest of the briefing, his eyes were focused on Clint and nothing else.


"You okay? You're looking a little pale." Clint whispered and touched his face. The action clearly visible to a room full of hundreds of people. His breath hitched as he tried to answer in the calmest manner possible.

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