Understanding (ClintXSteve)

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AN: Alright guys getting back into the swing of things. This was based on something I wrote for my friend and she really enjoyed it, so I'll write it for you guys :) Its gonna be ClintXSteve because you guys really like them and so does my friend. Remember that president!Steve chapter I did, yeah it's sorta a continuation.

Anyways leave me prompts guys >.<


Third Person's POV

It had been around a year since Barton had come home. He knocked on the door before welcoming himself in. Fortunately for Clint, Steve had chosen to live elsewhere other than the White House. It would have been rather rude to walk into the White House looking half-dead. Clint was pleased to see a familiar face which was the butler himself.

"Master Barton, I wasn't aware that you were coming home" Their loyal butler, David, spoke. Clint shut the door behind him but before he could speak a dog padded up to him suspiciously.

"Sorry that it was out of the blue" Barton smiled politely, he crouched down and held his hand out towards the dog. "Since when did we get a German Shepherd?"

The dog itself was still quite young, if Barton had to guess it was only 10 weeks old. "Young James made the decision of wanting a pet around a couple of months ago. The puppy itself came into the household around 3 months ago"

"Is Steve home by any chance?" Clint asked, when the puppy licked his hand affectionately but pulled his hand away when he realised they were still coated in blood.

"Sir, if I may I would recommend that you clean yourself first" The butler smiled nervously, Barton took a good look of himself at a mirror which was stationed near the door. "But yes to answer your question, he's in his office"

"You wouldn't happen to have spare towels do you?" The archer laughed softly, David nodded before leading him towards the bathroom.


"Come in!" Rogers called out when there was a sharp knock against his office door. The door opened and the Captain glanced up to see who it was.

"Sorry if I interrupted you" The other man said sheepishly, Rogers immediately stood up and pulled Clint into a hug. "I missed you too"

"I was worried something might have happened" Steve sighed, pulling away and kissing him softly against the lips. Clint kissed him back eagerly, running his hand through Steve's soft blonde hair.

"I'm fine, always will be" The archer whispered, "Get back to work, we can catch up when you're not busy"

Rogers was hesitant but agreed to Barton's words, he sat back down at his desk and glanced down at the paperwork on the table. On the other hand, Barton laid down on the couch that was meant to be for meetings with guests. He closed his eyes and placed a pillow over his face.

"There's a bedroom" Rogers remarked, Barton hummed in acknowledgment but in a couple of short moments he was fast asleep. Around 10 minutes later, someone else came barging into the room.

"Are you kidding?! He comes home and doesn't even bother talking to me" Their son James shouted, Steve winced and glanced towards Clint who just moaned quietly before turning onto his side.

"James could we talk about this some other time?" Rogers sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"No! He leaves for a year and doesn't even bother trying to make contact with us! He's a lousy excuse for a father, what-"

"Enough!" Steve suddenly snapped, James seemed shocked, it wasn't normal (ever) for Rogers to snap. "You can't possibly understand what your father has to go through everyday"

"He kills people every day! He doesn't even bother trying to contact us, how can you even love a man who doesn't bother trying to understand how we feel. Out of all the people you choose to love, you chose to marry an assassin, a serial killer!" James scowled, Steve was lost for words and took a deep breath.

"You don't understand how lonely he feels James. You don't know what he has to face every day out there in the field. It's not that he doesn't want to contact us, it's that he can't if he does that jeopardises his safety and ours. Have you ever tried to imagine how horrible it must be...to make all the hard decisions, it's killed or be killed out there James..." Rogers sympathised, but with that James just left the room without a word.

"You raised such a dramatic child" Barton mumbled the minute the door was slammed shut. Rogers scoffed and leaned back against the chair. The archer stood up and walked towards the back of Steve's chair before wrapping his arms around the other man's neck.

"How much of that did you hear?" Rogers muttered, Barton nuzzled kisses down the other man's neck.

"Everything" Barton whispered, "Enough to know that my son hates my guts"

"He thinks you left him, that you don't care about him" Rogers said, turning around to face Clint. The archer sighed and dropped onto the floor looking up towards the other man.

"I do care. But with my job, I can't afford to show emotions, it places me at a vulnerable place." Clint sighed, Barton was none other than Roger's right hand man when it came down to missions. He does all the dirty work that the CIA or the FBI can't afford to do. It could lead from infiltrating terrorist groups to stopping a war between America and other countries.

"You should quit Clint" Steve mumbled, running his hand through Clint's hair. Barton studied the other man and shook his head.

"I-I can't..."

"America isn't going to fall without you"

"My job involves protecting the President as well, that's protecting you Steve." Barton sighed, "I can't help but feel that if I quit something bad is going to happen"

"You do realise you're talking to Captain America right?" Rogers smiled, Clint scoffed before trying to get up but he quickly collapsed again. "I don't think you understand how much stress this places on you physically and mentally"

"I'm fine"

"No you're not. All the missions you do are solitary, it's not healthy to be cut off from communication like that."

"I talk to you don't I?"

"You only ever talk to me when you come home which is once a year or twice if you're lucky. Quit Clint, I can put a team together. You can't even stand up without collapsing, I can't risk that on the field. You will end up getting killed"

There was an eerie silence between the two. "I think I'm bleeding"

Rogers immediately dropped down onto the floor and saw the blood forming against Clint's shirt. "Jesus Christ, why didn't you to medical first?"

"I wanted to see you"

"Your health is important you dumbass"

Clint gasped, "Language!"

"That really is never going away is it?" Steve smiled, examining the wound. Clint laughed and shook his head. "But seriously quit, that's not a suggestion. I'm the president, I can make you do what I want understand?!"

Barton winked, "You mean sex-"

"I will let you die; you hear me?" Rogers snapped, Clint just nodded.

"I'll quit only if you have-"

"If you suggest anything even remotely sexual I will let you die"

"Yes sir!" Barton grinned, Rogers just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay but I seriously think I need a doctor right now" Rogers shook his head before calling for assistance.

How is this idiot out on the field? The Captain thought pathetically. As long as he's home safe, I suppose that's all that matters.

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