Tape (ClintXPietro)

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AN: Here's a requested prompt guys J Have some Pietro and Clint because they were adorable asf. Alsoalsoalslasloso!!! If you guys are a fan of my stories and IronHawk I started a short story series. Because I update that more often! Check it out if you wanna :)

Summary: For a training simulation Barton is way too wound up than Pietro would like.

Third Person's POV

"Lighten up old man"

"I'm only five years older than you."

"Why do are you taking this so seriously anyway?" Pietro Maximoff let out a deep sigh and leaned back against an artificial tree. The younger man was surprised at how realistic the simulation was, and how much space it covered. The simulation room itself wasn't very big but the minute the program started, it felt like they could run for miles.

It was awfully realistic as well. They were set in the biting cold snow, meaning it was harder to move around. They got tired and cold quickly.

The objective was simple. Just a game of capturing a point by taking down all the simulation robots.

"Because. I have an upcoming promotion and if I don't live up to my name, they could take it away from me" Clint Barton snapped, watching his target carefully. He reminded Pietro of a cat, slowly reaching in before pouncing and taking the kill.

Barton was referring to his promotion at SHIELD of course. Who wouldn't have heard about it by now? The man was going to be promoted to Director, quite the big deal. But it placed immense amount of pressure on Barton. If he were chosen, he would have been the youngest Director to ever be elected. Youngest, by decade(s).

"It can't be that important, can it?" Pietro shivered, jogging in his spot to keep warm. Clint tossed him a 'really' look. Then he fired an arrow, it pierced through a simulation's head and the AI disappeared. "Ouch"

"Just shut up and get to it" Clint huffed and slowly stood up. In an instant, the younger man stood in front of him, frightened Clint if anything. 'W-what?" Then Pietro kissed him, Barton was taken back by surprise. The younger man smirked and pulled away.

"Lighten up. They're not going to hire someone who's so wound up"

"Oh yeah? What would you know you runt?" Clint shot the sly smirk back and forced himself on top of the younger man. Maximoff laughed as the blonde's stubble ran tickled his cheek. He soon quickly start to shiver as he lied on the snow. "Cold huh? Well I can fix that"

"What about the simulation?"

"You wanted attention. Now you got attention. Unless of course...you don't want it anymore" Pietro didn't let him finish. He pulled the other man closer and kissed him once again.


"This tape has a solid half an hour footage of you and Maximoff just duking it out" Tony Stark snickered waving a USB stick around. Barton rolled his eyes at the man.

The two were in the common area, Barton on the couch scrolling through his phone whilst Stark was...well you could never tell what Tony Stark was doing.

"Very mature" Clint pointed out as his eyes moved back to his phone screen.

"You fucked him not me" Stark shrugged then threw the stick at Clint. Barton caught it without looking. "Feel free to do whatever."

"You didn't make three hundred copies did you?"

"I may be an asshole. But I'm not that big of an asshole Barton"


"If you're about to tell me I didn't get the job, I don't want to hear it" Clint mumbled and ran his hand through his hair. He was in a conference room with an official he had never met before, someone new. To his surprise the man chuckled at him and gave him a file. The blonde took it and opened the file, surprised at the result. "What?"

"Mr Barton. You make it sound like you applied for this position. You were recommended by the entire board for this position." The man explained, still holding that placid smile. Clint let out a scoff of disbelief and shut the file once again.

"What about my questionable actions?" Clint questioned as he sat back and crossed his arms.

"Although a distraction, they do not directly affect your work. Therefore, it was discounted."

"So what now?"

"Now I need your answer. Do you want this job Mr Barton?"


"Did you get the job old man?" Pietro asked, practically zipping around the room in excitement. Clint shrugged and continued making lunch.

"I think the question is if I took the job"

"Did you?"

Pause. "Yeah."

"Yayyy. Promotion!" Pietro announced like a child in a birthday party. Then he received a worried look from his partner. "What is it?"

"This job. Involves me leaving a lot, I might not see you as often kid" Clint explained, Pietro pouted and contemplated it for a while.

"As long as you come back to visit and call, I'll be alright"

Suddenly Clint threw something at him. He caught it and looked at it. It was a USB stick, the younger man tilted his head in confusement.

"Watch it" Clint snickered as he left the room. Pietro stared at the drive and wondered what the hell was on it. With the question being, if he even wanted to watch it.

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