Date? (BruceXTony)

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Summary: Stark attempts to ask Banner on a date, but he doesn't really know how to ask.

Third Person's POV

"Dr Banner" Tony greeted, walking into their lab and watching as Bruce was experimenting, Stark slid along the bench until he was next to Banner.

"Yes?" Bruce replied, glancing up and smiling at the genius. Stark's heart panged a little when he smiled, he found it absolutely adorable. Tony blanked out for a couple of seconds, Bruce just frowned and put down his equipment. "Tony, are you ok? You look a bit pale, are you sick?"

Stark suddenly snapped back to reality, "Huh...Oh yeah, no I'm fine"

"Really?" Bruce smiled softly, "You went really pale"

Stop smiling like that you idiot! Stark wanted to scream, he could feel himself flush and there was a moment of silence again. "Bye"

Was all Stark said before jogging out of the room, the minute he walked out, he took deep breaths and leaned against the wall. Just breathe you fucking idiot, why are you panicking?!

He could see Bruce step out of the lab and frown when he saw Stark against the wall, Banner walked over and stood in front of him. "Are you ok? You've been acting strange recently, you know you can tell me anything right?"

I want to go out with you! Stark wanted to say, but he just stared at Banner who suddenly griped his shoulder. "Huh?! Oh I'm ok"

"You're not ok" Banner sighed, moving his hand up to Tony's forehead. "Your body temperature isn't hot, so what's wrong with you? Do you feel light headed?"

"Um no"

"But you're so red...Are you sure you're ok? I can help you know?" Bruce sighed, studying Stark and trying to figure out what's wrong with him. What's with him?! He was fine the other day. Bruce thought to himself.

"I'm fine! Absolutely fine!" Stark snapped, staring at Bruce.


"You are not fine, I'm running tests" Banner sighed, grabbing Tony's arm and dragging him back to the labs but Stark hit his arm away. "What?"

"I'm not sick Bruce!" Stark shouted, Bruce jumped a little. "I-I was just nervous because I was with you"

"Nervous?" Bruce scoffed, adjusting his glasses. "W-why would you be nervous, you were fine yesterday"

"I'm nervous because I'm scared about what your answer will be"

"To what...?"

"My question" Stark sighed, crossing his arms and staring at the floor. "And that question is...will you go out with me?"


Stark sighed, already knowing the answer, he just turned around and walked away but Bruce caught his hand. Stark gasped and paused, turning around to face Banner who was smiling softly. "The answer is yes"


Stark blinked a couple of times, trying to make sure that this was real and not a dream. "What the hell did you just say?

Bruce chuckled, "The answer to your question is yes"

Stark stared and smiled like an idiot, he then hugged Bruce and the doctor just laughed. "Thank you! I was so scared! I won't let you down!"

Bruce stroked the back of his head and smiled, smelling Stark's awfully strong shampoo. But the doctor just smiled, the hug was awfully long but neither of them cared.

"Are you two just going to hug for the rest of eternity?" A voice called out, Stark immediately pulled away and Bruce stared upwards. It was the archer who clearly took a photo, "Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt something"

"Do me a favour and delete that fucking photo" Stark demanded, "Or I will make your life miserable"

Barton just smirked and walked away from the scene, "Do get a room or something"

Stark rolled his eyes and stared back at Banner who just smiled fondly at Stark, "Where do you want to go?"

"I-uh-I don't know, you can pick out a place" Stark fumbled, Bruce nodded and took of his lab coat.

"I'll go put this back and we can go" Bruce smiled, Stark nodded and sighed.

How'd you manage to land that Stark? He scoffed to himself.

AN: Sorry it's a short chapter, just wanted to get something up. Leave prompts maybe? That helps like tonnes XD

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