Fate (TonyXClint)

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AN: Originally this was planned for my other book but I liked it so much I thought I'd post it here and take a break from prompts? Dw they're still otw. 

Summary: Stark meets somebody that lightens up his night, some would call it fate that they met. 

Third Person's POV

Tony Stark had been on the same routine for the past three hours. Look charming, speak to any guests at the ball and occasionally take a glass of alcohol from a waiter. It was interesting for the first half an hour, then all the talks somehow turned into politics. He tried his best to act interested with a placid smile and a hum of agreement every now and then.

Eventually, he was fairly sure that he had spoken with everybody at least once. He did another quick scan of the room and let out a sigh of relief as he realised he didn't have to make any more conversation. If he wasn't so tired, he'd most probably put on his playboy façade.

He stood in the corner of the event hall and asked himself whether he wanted to have an early night. He took another look around the hall, people either stood around and talked or sat at tables and ate.

His eyes wavered towards one table in particular when he saw a man tap idly at his phone. The man seemed to be the same age as he was, which was surprisingly refreshing. He dressed in a tight fitted suit and had gelled blonde hair. The man looked absolutely bored out of his mind, which Stark could sympathise to.

The blonde glanced up and made eye contact with Stark. For a short moment they just blinked at each other before the blonde smiled sweetly. Stark felt a pang in his chest, the man was undeniably adorable. The brunette took that as his cue to walk over and address the man he somehow had missed throughout the night.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." Stark commented and casually took a seat next to the blonde.

"Well, my interest just piqued a little." The blonde continued to smile as he placed his phone in his pocket. "So, why did Tony Stark sit next to me?"

"I needed company."

"I'm sure the women in the room who have been eyeing you all night could use your company." The man laughed a little, his crystal blue eyes glinted underneath the light.

"They can wait." Stark smiled a little, "What's a relatively young and handsome man doing here anyway?"

"You think I'm handsome? I'm flattered." The stranger placed a hand over his heart dramatically, "I'm just here because my company sent me."

"Which company?"

"I don't think we know each other well enough for me to just hand you over my company. You don't even know my name."

"What's your name?" The brunette smiled and decided to play the game that was presented.

"Um...does Gabriel sound okay?" The man smirked, Stark raised an eyebrow.

"You're not going to tell me your real name?"

The blonde narrowed his eyes and licked his lips a little, "If you make my night interesting, I might tell you." Stark's lips quirked upwards a bit more, he never had anybody ever challenge him before. He decided to keep playing the stranger's game. "I could go for something sweet, you want to share a parfait?"

Stark watched as the blonde abruptly stood up and walked over towards the serving tables. The genius stood on his feet and followed closely behind. The stranger picked up a glass of parfait and a desert spoon.

He scooped up a little of the desert and pushed it towards Stark's mouth. Tony couldn't help but smile as he took the spoon into his mouth.

"It's good, right?" The blonde beamed like the sun, he pushed the spoon back into the cup and didn't seem to care that Stark had already used it. "I used to make it a lot after I had a long day."

"Are you always busy?"

"A lot of overseas work." The stranger revealed something about himself, "Are you just asking me questions so you get to know me?"

"Hey, if I'm not allowed to know your name. I may as well try to get whatever I can out of you." Stark pointed out and watched as the man took another spoonful of the desert. "What other things do you like to eat?"

"Scoping me out for date locations Mr Stark?" The blonde grinned and even winked, Stark tried his best not to flush red. "But I really like sushi."

"Didn't pick you out to be the type to eat raw fish."

"I eat just about anything, I'm not too picky." The stranger set his finished glass down on the table and glanced around the ball room. "Hey, you wanna get out of here?"

"Where do you plan on going?"

"You wanna grab some pizza?"

"You're just hungry, aren't you?"

"Hey, they've fed me nothing but crackers with salad on top tonight. I want something greasy in my mouth." The blonde said and ran his hand through his hair. "But if you don't want to leave with a total stranger I'm good."

"No...let's get out of here." Stark agreed, "There wasn't much keeping me here anyway."


"So, what's the deal with you?" Stark asked as he took a bite out of his greasy New York pizza. "You feed me parfait and now you took me out to eat pizza."

"Maybe I just want to make a friend?" The blonde shrugged.

"Seriously though, tell me your name."

"It's Clint. Clint Barton." The blonde finally answered the question that had been in Stark's head all night.

"The name suits you." Stark complimented, Barton chuckled.

"Well I didn't exactly have much of a choice in it." Barton said and Stark scoffed. 

"What are you doing after this?" The brunette followed with another question, Barton raised an eyebrow and leaned back against his chair. "Just curious is all."

"Probably going to go home. Play with my dog, then go to sleep." Barton noted and stood up from his chair. Stark kept his eyes on the man. "Don't suppose you'd like to walk me out?" The blonde took his jacket off the chair and placed it on his back.

As they exited the restaurant, Stark kept his gaze on the man.

"I genuinely enjoyed tonight." The blonde stated and stared into the brunette's eyes. Stark moved in for a kiss but their lips never touched. "Not going to kiss me?"

"I don't know. Is this what you want?"

"We had a good night Stark. If we kiss, it'll undoubtedly turn into a one-night stand." Barton smiled sadly, Stark paused and waited for the blonde to keep talking. "I have a plan."


"I leave, and we leave it at that. Just a good night that we'll both remember. We don't have to kiss, don't have to exchange numbers. Just a good memory." Barton proposed, Stark seemed slightly saddened at that statement. "Maybe we'll meet again, who knows, but let's just leave it to fate."

"How are we going to do this?"

"Close your eyes and count down from five out loud." Barton whispered, and watched as Stark did as he was told.

"Five." He started, not wanting to continue.
"Four." He wasn't sure why it started to get hard to breathe.
"Three." He hated that he kept going. He didn't want the night to end.
"Two." Was this really it?
"One." He opened his eyes.

With that the blonde was gone, there was no evidence of him left behind. Stark let out a deep sigh and couldn't help but smile.

'Leave it up to fate' The brunette thought as he started to walk to his car. 'God I hope fate works.'

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