Nuisance (ClintxBruce)

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AN: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. BUT THIS IS FOR (ninjagoisbae) and it's BrucexClint, god I haven't written about them since like I made this book?? Ah I miss them :)

Also prompts??

Summary: As close as Bruce Banner is to Tony Stark, he can't deny that the playboy genius did annoy him a majority of the time. He complains to his boyfriend who slowly grows annoyed of his complaints.

Third Person's POV

"Tony! What did you do to my notes?!" Bruce Banner boomed as he scanned the tabletops in search of his papers

"Oh shit." Tony Stark muttered as he peered through the laboratory doors. Banner snapped up and could only imagine the words about to leave the other man's mouth. "I sort of shredded the papers that were left on the counter."

"You what?!" Banner raised his voice (which was rare), the doctor breathed and tried his best to calm down. Stark shrugged and scratched the back of his head before he grinned. "What?"

"I'm only joking with you. Your notes are fine, I just borrowed them to run algorithms." The playboy smirked and walked into the room with the papers in hand. Banner let out a sigh of relief but wanted to hit the other man as hard as he could. "You're not turning green on me are you buddy?"

"I don't need the other guy to smash your head open." Banner muttered and took the papers back from the other man. He walked out of the room without uttering another word. He walked towards the elevator and pressed (practically hit) the button. He took the lift upstairs and walked into Clint Barton's floor.

He walked towards the blonde's office which was down the hall and saw the sniper on his laptop through the glass door. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him. Barton glanced away from his screen to the doctor.

"Is everything alright?" Barton asked as he rubbed his tired eyes. He read through the document on the computer screen whilst writing notes.

"Tony is killing me." Banner stated, Clint sighed and knew pretty much how the next fifteen minutes of his life was going to go. "T-That man doesn't know how to take anything seriously! He'll give me a heart attack. He's stressing me out."

Bruce had ranted about Stark so much in his life that at this point Barton decided to zone it out. He heard Banner continue to release his anger and mutter things underneath his breath.

Barton huffed and ran his hand through his hair. He wondered how annoyed Bruce will be if he plugged in earphones right now. The man was currently debriefing files from a mission that went awry. Two SHIELD agents dead and five more injured. He knew he would need to deal with the council about that.

"Are you listening to me?" Banner snapped suddenly, Clint blinked and stared at his lover. "You're as deaf with your hearing aids in as you are without it."

"I'm sorry babe but I'm just a little busy right now. As much as I want to hear you complain about Stark I have to finish this." Barton muttered and rubbed his forehead. Banner raised an eyebrow and walked closer towards the blonde. "You know you can be really annoying when you want to be."

"What does that mean?" Banner frowned as his eyes briefly ran over the notes.

"It means I love it when you talk because other times you're as quiet as a mouse but sometimes you talk too much." Barton explained and lazily picked up his pen.

"I will murder you as well." Banner smirked, Clint glanced at him and smiled a little. "But if you could murder Tony I'd appreciate that."

"Oh my god." Barton groaned as he stood up abruptly, Banner took a step back and watched as the other man walked forwards. The doctor took steps back until his back hit a bookcase.

"Clint?" Bruce whispered, slightly nervous.

"I need you to shut up for half an hour and I will do whatever it takes." Barton whispered as he pressed the other man against the bookcase.

"W-what are you-" He was cut off when Clint pressed his lips against his. Bruce didn't fight it and eagerly kissed the other man back. "If any of these books fall, they hit me you know that?"

"Then I suppose you can't squirm as much." Barton smirked, "Now if I hear anything else other than moans from you, trust me when I say I'll be much more of a nuisance than Stark." 

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