Some People Move On (StevexTony)

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AN: here's more Steve and Tony for yall Stony stans, this is a request so thank you for actually requesting !! I actually can write something now hahaha

Summary: Love is a weird never ending spiral but it usually comes full circle. 

Third Person's POV

The thing about love was, nobody ever tells you how difficult it could be. They never talk about the long drawn out arguments and the literal pain with a side of tears; which always turns into a shitty memory that forever stays in the back of your head.

You would think you'd get used to their tears, but you never do. Somehow seeing your partner cry and you being the reason that they were crying, well, you wouldn't exactly feel amazing.

It wasn't as if Steve's never argued with anybody before; hell, some would say he argued too often, but not once has he ever argued with somebody he loved. He's never experienced the wrench in his heart and the churns in his stomach that came with arguing with somebody he's loved.

Somehow taking bullets currently seemed better than the constant back and forward shouting.

"So this is it?" Tony whispers in a voice that made him want to move forward and hug the man. "This is the end of us?"

He let out a deep sigh, one that came from his stomach than his chest. He couldn't respond, he wouldn't even know what to say. This was strange because he always had something to say.

"I love you Tony, but I can't sign these accords." He finally said something anything to break the silence.

"Saying you love me isn't a justification for your actions."

A pen was slammed on the table and he breathed out once again. Tony was right, all the 'I love yous' in the world could never rationalize his actions.

"You can't want to sign this either."

Tearful eyes stared at him as if to try and find an answer in his eyes. Tony then glanced away, and he wondered whether the man found said answer.

"I'm doing what needs to be done." It was dodging the question, something he realised that his partner did a lot during times like these. "Do you seriously want to be a criminal Steve? For as long as I've known you, you want to put criminals behind bars."

"I'm a criminal for wanting to save lives?" He deadpanned which arguably wasn't the best choice, but he was tired. They both were.

"You're not going to be saving anybody's life by being locked up!" His partner raised his voice once again, "Why are you so fucking stubborn? Steve please for once just listen to me!"

"I'm sorry Tony but I can't do this, you know I can't." He grounded, sure he was fighting for what he believed in but why did that have to come at the cost of his loved one?

The other man scoffed and shook his head. Then he watched as the man tore off the engagement ring off his finger and left the room without another word. As the door slammed behind him he felt like throwing up then and there. He hated how much this hurt, he hated how he felt like throwing up.

He hated that Tony was probably right about his stubbornness.


You see, the problem with loving somebody was that you can never get them out of your head. No matter how hard you try to move on, when you truly love somebody, the thought of them remains a constant in your life. As much as you try to push it down, push it away, the thoughts will always resurface even if you don't want it to.

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