Interviews (MOSTLY StevexTony)

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AN: this is a dumb idea and layout will be different but I hope its funny? Enjoyable??

Also if you've left me a prompt and it truly has been months, please remind me. I have the memory of a goldfish.

Summary: A series of interviews and questions that the Avengers have received over the years.

Third Person's POV

A majority of the public loved the Avengers; who wouldn't love a bunch of charming young adults? Months after the events of New York they were called on for interviews and photoshoots. For most of the team, they weren't prepared to suddenly be thrown into the line of popularity.

"I regret letting Tony drag me into this." Steve Rogers laughed to himself as he was handed a red plastic cup. Inside the cup were a bunch of 'thirst' tweets and fan questions that were collected by BuzzFeed employees.

Dang, Steve Rogers could fucking kick me and I'd thank him.

The soldier just laughed to himself as he read the comment out loud. "For one thing, I don't think I would want to kick you but thanks?" He raised his pitch at the end of the sentence unsure of what the author of the tweet meant.

Seriously tho, how tf does Natasha handle living with 5 boys??? Id fucking lose it in a day

Natasha Romanoff smiled a little to herself as she read it out loud, then placed the piece of paper aside as she answered the question. "Trust me, there's been plenty of times where I've lost it but the power of fear works really well with the guys."

Wait why the hell is nobody talking about Clint Barton? He's so fucking cute and it makes me wanna curl up and cry.

Clint glanced up at the camera and smiled innocently, "Wait, I'm cute?" He looked for answers from the employees. "Thank you, I really want to frame this."

I would suck Thor's dick, there I said it.

Thor laughed out loud as he chucked the piece of paper aside. "As much as I'd appreciate that, I believe it would be a harsh fit." The God even had the audacity to wink at the camera and caused some workers to blush wildly.

Bruce do you still work as a doctor?? Because DM me where you work.

"Occasionally I do work in hospitals but I don't really have a set hospital I stay in, so unfortunately I can't DM you anything." Bruce Banner chuckled but he appreciated the sweet comment, these days he's been pestered about the Hulk.

As pretty as his face is, how is nobody constantly staring at Tony's ass?? How are the Avengers resisting constantly hitting on that??

"Oh trust me, I get hit on several times a day. From our resident Captain America no less." Stark snickered but quickly ducked when a pen was thrown at him. The brunette laughed and walked closer towards the camera, "Everybody talks about how beautiful Steve is but nobody talks about how violent he is."

The Avengers preferred those kinds of interviews as compared to the more serious ones. After all they were adults in their twenties, they would have preferred having a fun interview rather than sincere ones.

The media died down after a little while, but months later Tony openly came out. Sure he made jokes about his relationships with his team members but many took it as jokes and nothing with weight.

'Those rumours surrounding the topic of me being 'gay' are all wrong, I'm bi.' - Stark tweeted as he was eventually fed up with the news, but he was relieved. Relieved that he finally let the public know his stance on his sexuality.

"What was it like? Coming out?" A presenter asked as they were on live television. Tony shifted in his seat and shrugged a little with a smile.

"I honestly didn't know how people were going to take it but at that point I didn't care anymore. If I were to lose a couple of fans, so be it you know?"

"And the rest of your team have been highly supportive."

"I mean, it would be a little hypocritical if they weren't." Tony then realised the weight of his words, he clasped his hands over his mouth but couldn't help but laugh. "Jesus, we can't edit that out can we?"

"Is there something the rest of the Avengers should be telling us?" The show presenter laughed along.

'@stark.exe I asked you to do the laundry for once, not tell the world my sexuality' – Barton tweeted soon after the show finished. Fans poured in with loving and supportive messages for the Avengers.

Three years quickly passed, by that time Tony and Steve had gotten engaged. When they had initially started dating it was almost as if all the shipping and fanfiction from fans came true.

So y'all saying Stony is now canon? Alright I'll take it.
Wow we love bi icons.

Once again, the couple was dragged onto interviews and did a majority of them together.

What's the most annoying thing that your partner does?

Steve thought a little as he read the question to the camera then glanced over at his partner, "He's always working on something which means he gets no sleep. No amount of concealer can hide the bags underneath his eyes."

"Hey, in my defence I try to sleep." Tony cut in and watched as the blonde smirked. "It's just when you're working on something, you don't feel like stopping you know?"

"I'm forcing you to sleep tonight."

"Do try." Stark teased as he pressed a kiss against the man's cheek, "I think for Steve it's how he doesn't use the toothpaste from the bottom."

"Oh my God." Steve whispered to himself as he hid his face in his hands, Tony clasped his hand on the man's shoulder.

"He always pushes the toothpaste out from the top, like why is it such a hard concept to push out the toothpaste from the fucking bottom?"

"Maybe I'm just not used to being on the bottom." Steve snickered so softly that he doubted the microphones would have picked it up. Stark gasped and gaped at the camera.

"Did you hear what he just said?!" Tony grinned as he stood from his chair and asked a crew member. "Alright well that's all the time we have for today, this is a family friendly interview Steve."

The Avengers truly did appreciate how the public's love for them shine over the hate. Not everybody could come to terms with vigilantes but those who did only showed immense support. Was the life of an Avenger a little difficult? Yes, but would they change it for anything else? No.

AN: something a little different!!

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