Therapy (Bucky x Erik Killmonger)

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AN: I'm sick and dying but I'm battling it out for you guys. Here's a prompt from (adorablelilberry) aka #themostprecious. It's on Bucky x Erik Killmonger which I hope will have as good as response as T'Challa x Clint because I love it??

Also I think I may have a couple more prompts to tackle. But leave me more for when it all finishes.

Summary: In which Erik is forced to undergo therapy sessions until he 'loosens up' but fortunately a newcomer peaks his interest slightly.

Third Person's POV

T'Challa kept him alive, Erik still was not sure why. Instead of letting him die on that cliff face the King ensured his survival and brought him back to the heart of Wakanda. Surprisingly they didn't lock him up and treat him like a criminal, instead T'Challa forced him to undergo therapy sessions.

He wasn't sure what was worse; dying, being locked up or undergoing therapy.

It wasn't the usual run-of-the-mill therapy. If he had to describe it, it was almost like an anger management class. They didn't punish him if he spoke out which was odd, if anything they continued to treat him in a 'welcoming' manner.

"I believe you have great potential." T'Challa explained as the two talked. "My father should not have ever left you. You deserve justice." If the King didn't sound so wholesome and guilty, Erik would not have believed him.

"What makes you think you can ever trust me?" Erik asked out of pure curiosity.

"I never said anything about trusting you but it can be earnt." T'Challa's lips twitched upwards slightly. "I know it may be difficult to adjust to living in Wakanda but I brought somebody that could possibly aid you."

Now that the other man mentioned it, living in California and living in Wakanda was vastly different. He had no other way to place it other than, he missed the 'vibes' of America. Fortunately, Shuri had relatively 'trendy street-wear' that she could give him. He thanked her for that.

"Who?" He asked, T'Challa nudged his head towards the building behind him. Erik reluctantly followed. They eventually walked down to Shuri's laboratory that had quickly been rebuilt after the fight.

In the workspace was Shuri and a Caucasian male that Erik did not recognise. The man was dressed in a black jacket, white-shirt and black jeans. The man glanced at Erik briefly before he swallowed nervously and glanced away.

"Ooh my favourite relative is here and hello T'Challa." Shuri acknowledged which made Erik smile a little. Over the past couple of months, Shuri and T'Challa were the only two he felt that he could 'trust'. They treated him like an equal and not like the others who looked down on him. "Anyways broken boy here is all done for today."

"Shuri." T'Challa warned, his sister rolled her eyes.

"Okay fine, brainwashed soldier is all done for today." She grinned, her brother shot her a disapproving look. "Oh relax will you? Sergeant Barnes and I are 'chill' as the hip teenagers would place it."

"Just call me Bucky." The man spoke, Erik turned his attention to the American.

"See, he wants me to call him by his nickname." Shuri continued to smile, T'Challa forced away the urge to roll his eyes. The King then turned his attention back to Erik who had remained silent throughout this entire time.

"I was hoping you and Sergeant Barnes would help one another." T'Challa spoke, Erik sniffled his nose and gave a brief nod. "Excellent, then my sister and I shall be taking our leave."

"What? This is my lab." Shuri pointed out and raised an eyebrow, he gave her a stern look. "Okay fine but only for twenty minutes!"

The two men watched as the siblings marched out of the room sharing small chatter between one another.

Erik then turned his attention towards Bucky Barnes who glanced at him every so often.

"I'm Erik." He introduced himself as plainly as he could, "Barnes, was it?" the American nodded. "So, what's your story? I overheard brainwashing."

The other man flinched a little and shuffled his feet.

"Something like that." Barnes muttered and ran his hand through his brunette hair. He was incredibly shy which only meant that Erik had to do most of the talking.

"So why does the King of Wakanda want to help somebody like you?" Erik said condescendingly, Barnes glanced up and narrowed his eyes.

"It's complicated." Barnes answered, "Then again I could ask the same thing about you." The second part of that sentence was so quiet that Erik had almost missed it.

The younger man scoffed, "Well I'm here because I tried taking over Wakanda."

"So you're that Erik." Barnes answered, "Shuri was talking about you."

"And what? You have a bad impression?" Erik crossed his arms, Barnes casted his eyes towards the floor once again. At this point the former soldier wondered if he should be so harsh on Barnes.

The man seemed to be handling troubles that was much bigger than Erik. Besides even Erik Killmonger had to admit that the American was adorable in his own way.

"No, it's admirable if anything."

"Me trying to take over the country then proceed to show the world our weapons is admirable?"

"It's admirable that you have such a strong belief that you'll act upon it and never lose sight of your own goal." Barnes explained briefly, "Sort of reminds me of somebody actually."

"I'm sure you believe in your own shit."

"You're talking to a brainwashed guy." Barnes scoffed and scratched the back of his head. Somehow Erik hadn't noticed it before, but when he lifted his arm, the sleeve of his jacket pulled back and revealed a metal arm. "I don't know what the hell I believe in."

"I'm sure you'll find something to believe in. Everybody does at some point." Erik said as he realized how sentimental that sounded.

"You know. You're not as big of an asshole as people make you seem." Barnes smiled a little and leaned back against the benchtop.

"That's because I don't want to get killed." He remarked which made the American laugh a little. There was a short silence for a little while. "So, you don't think I'm that bad?"

"With the things I've gone through, you are closer to the positive end of the spectrum than the negative."

"I guess you just haven't seen that side of me yet." Erik said, Barnes smiled once again.

"There's an even worse side to you other than trying to take over Wakanda then the world?"

"I think that's fairly mediocre." Erik tried to joke along which only made Barnes smile more. "What about you? What have you seen or done that was that bad?" 

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