Surprise (StevexTony)

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AN: Here's that Superfamily chap. This is all just based on how in Infinity War all Tony wanted was a kid?? Like hello? Stop? You're being too soft??? You can have anything you want in the world but all you want is a kid??? Oh my god???

Can I also just set the pretence that Parker's parents died when he was A LOT younger.

Summary: Steve surprises Tony with a new member of their family.

Third Person's POV

'Hey, I have something for you when I get back home' -SR.

Tony Stark read the text and licked his lips in anticipation. He wondered what it could be, it was rare that Rogers came home with gifts.

'Do I get a hint?' – TS.

He waited for a response and received one moments later.

'No, but I'll be back soon. I promise.' ­-SR.

Stark pouted as he realised he had to wait. He sat on the couch and waited anxiously for his partner to come home. A million thoughts raced through his head as he hypothesised what Rogers was bringing home.

The minute his AI informed him that Rogers was home, he rushed towards the door. He was met with crystal blue eyes who seemed surprised that Tony was eagerly waiting by the door.

"You really couldn't wait, could you?" The soldier chuckled and kissed the other man on the lips. It was at that point that Stark realised that the other man was carrying something.

Tony's eyes fluttered as he saw what Rogers held. It was a baby carrier and in it was a sleeping child coddled in blankets. The blonde closed the door behind him and placed the carrier atop of a nearby coffee table.

"W-Where did you?" Stark whispered and studied the child who continued to sleep undisturbed. His heart raced the more he thought about the child.

"Somebody left him at my co-worker's doorstep." Rogers mumbled and let out a sympathetic sigh, "I-I know you've wanted a kid for a while but we were never sure on when and I know this is sudden but I just-" It was at that point that the soldier realised that Stark had started to cry. "Hey, you alright?"

"I-I don't know." Tony whispered and sniffled, Steve pulled him into a hug and Stark buried his face against the blonde's chest. "Maybe it's just looking at that kid."

"Tony if you're not ready-"

"I'm not crying because I'm worried. I-I don't know, all I can think about was how this kid got abandoned. What if he wasn't abandoned at your co-worker's doorstep? What if it was somewhere else where he might not make it?" Stark mumbled, Rogers knew what he was trying to say. Tony pulled his head back and glanced over at the child. "Does he have a name?"

"Peter Parker apparently." The blonde whispered, Stark blinked absently as he thought about how the name had a nice ring to it. "Are we taking him in?"

"Yeah." Tony smiled slightly, "I think we're up for it."


"Listen kid, if I have to hold you every second of the day we might have a problem." Stark scoffed as he rested his elbows on the crib. Peter gurgled happily as he laid in the crib, his small arms reached out towards his parent. The genius brought his right arm down and stroked the child's cheek. "C'mon, go to sleep, you've been driving your father and I crazy."

Peter continued to babble quietly and Tony couldn't help but smile. They only had the child for a couple of months now but Stark loved him more than anything in the world.

"It's good that you're liking me I suppose." Tony mumbled and continued to dangle his hand near Peter. The child wrapped his small hand around Stark's index finger. "We're already getting on better than my father and I." Peter's eyes started to droop and the genius decided to keep talking. "I know I won't be the best parent but I'll try, I'll try my damn hardest for you. I'll make sure you grow up happy and safe, make sure you never do drugs because if I catch you one day, you're dead to me."

The child was fast asleep at this point, Tony carefully pulled his hand away and stroked Peter's head. "Night kiddo."

As Stark straightened his posture once again he felt Rogers wrap his arms around Tony's waist. The brunette smiled and glanced up to kiss the other man affectionately.

"Did you get him to sleep?" Rogers whispered and leaned forward to check on his son. "Now we can sleep."

"It's only eight o'clock." Stark pointed out with a small laugh. He leaned back against Roger's chest and continued to glance up at the other man.

"If anything that's getting late for us."

"You know how pathetic this is? Sleeping at eight o'clock because our child has kept us up for the past couple of days."

"Welcome to parenthood." The blonde smiled affectionately, Tony hummed in agreement. "I heard what you said to him."

"You did?" Tony wondered how he never realized the soldier's presence.

"You'll be a great Dad Tony." Rogers reassured, "Just because you and your father my not have had the best relationship, doesn't mean it'll happen between you and Peter. You're doing amazing and I know you'll continue to put in the effort."

"I guess it's just being a new parent kind of thing, you can't help but worry you know?" The brunette muttered. "I just want what's best for him."

"I do too and I know he'll grow up into a good man." Steve said and kissed Tony on the head, "Now let's actually go to sleep before we wake him up." 

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