Other Self (TECHNICALLY StevexTony)

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AN: I saw this on Tumblr and I wanted to write it because the idea of it is just so great.

Summary: An unexpected guess shows up in the Avengers facility, needing help to send him home.

Third Person's POV

"So you're me?"


"You don't sound very sure."

"Well, this experience is also new to me, so I doubt I'd have much knowledge situating it."

Tony Stark narrowed his eyes in suspicion, unsure of what the hell was happening. He wasn't even sure if he was dreaming, or if what was unravelling was reality. He glanced over at Steve Rogers for any form of comfort but the soldier seemed to be as unsettled as he was.

"Talk about time rifts all you want but do you have any legitimate proof?" Stark stated, ready to call security. The stranger let out an annoyed sigh and played with the watch on his arm; then pieces of the Iron Man armour wrapped around the man's arm. However instead of the signature red and gold, it was painted a matte black and gold.

"You and I both know nobody else has access to this technology." The man stated and disassembled the armour once again. "I-I need your help to get home." The man's tone suddenly softened and his posture shifted. Stark and Rogers shared a worried look as they wondered what to do.

The man that stood before them was Tony Stark, but from an alternate dimension. He looked almost identical to Stark except for a few defining features. The man's eyes were an icy blue as compared to Tony's soft hazel. He had black hair which was slightly longer and strands touched his eyelashes.

He was also taller than Tony, which the brunette hated incredibly.

"I don't trust him." Rogers stated out loud, and the other Tony simply crossed his arms. "How do we know he isn't something HYDRA pulled out?"

"You have a sound point Cap but he's right...nobody else has access to that tech." Stark said and made eye contact with himself. "Let's just do what we can for him, if he turns on us we can put him down."

Tony knew the feeling of longing for home. Months being tortured in Afghanistan made him want nothing more than his home. The other Tony also seemed incredibly distressed, as if he'd rather want to be anywhere else but here which was entirely understandable.

"I'll leave you to it, but if anything goes wrong do not hesitate to call me." Rogers said as he walked past Tony and pressed a kiss against his forehead. Stark smiled and nodded as he watched his partner leave the room.

"So, you date Rogers in this world too huh?" The other him said as he walked towards Stark. The brunette turned his heels and walked towards his laboratory. "I guess that makes sense, we're the same person."

"Is your Steve any different?"

There was a slight pause, "Nothing too distinguishable. Maybe a little more uptight." Stark chuckled and lead the other man through the Avengers facility. "As much as he annoys me, being stuck here makes me miss him."

"I'd imagine so." He sympathised with the other Tony. "If you're actually me, I'm sure you'll be able to keep up with me in the lab."


For the first two days, Rogers and Stark tried to hide the existence of the other Tony. The other Avengers finding out about this situation might only distress the other Tony.

But when you're on a team with assassins and a doctor with anger issues, they were bound to found out sooner or later.

"Woah! Clint what the hell are you doing?!" Stark shouted as he saw the assassin slam the other Tony against the wall. The blonde frowned and turned to face Stark.

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