Love (StevexBuckyxTony)

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AN: Sorry if these prompts are taking a while :) But remember if I said yes to doing your prompt they are on the way. But please leave some more, I need something to do after all this is over hahaha.

Also Stucky is still as popular as ever huh? ahahahhaha. This one is by (zadok365)

Summary: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are in a committed relationship but can't help but pine for Tony Stark whose distanced himself from everyone.

Third Person's POV

"Buck, I love you but I can't help but something's off." Steve Rogers sighed as he shut his eyes, his head rested atop of the other man's chest. The two laid on their bed, they hadn't left their room all morning.

"If you're breaking up with me, this isn't a great start." Bucky Barnes narrowed his eyes and glanced down at his partner. The blonde managed a laugh and shook his head. Barnes continued to wait upon an answer but it seemed that the other man was still deep in thought.

"It's about Tony." Rogers finally let on, the older man pursed his lips and wondered where the blonde was going with the sentence. "Haven't you noticed that he hasn't been himself."

"I got to be honest with you Steve. I haven't seen Stark in two weeks and we live in the same building as him." Barnes said. Now that he said it out loud he realised how unfavourable that sounded.

"That's my point exactly. I've seen him once or twice these two weeks and that was because he wanted alcohol." Rogers sighed. He remembered how detrimental Stark had looked. There were deep rings underneath his eyes and his hair was unkept. He presumed that the engineer hadn't changed his clothes either or bothered cleaning himself.

Barnes huffed and scrubbed his face. "I guess that is worrying isn't it." Although Barnes didn't express it out loud he was just as worried for Stark as Rogers was. Although Tony disliked him at first, the engineer warmed up to him and provided care for him. Stark bought the soldier clothes, food and let him stay at the Avengers vicinity.

"Let's talk to him." The blonde suggested and sat up, Barnes rolled his eyes and continued to lay on the bed. "I'm sure he's in his lab."

"Anybody ever tell you that you're too kind hearted?" Barnes sighed and eventually sat up too. The two left their room for the first time that day and ventured downstairs. Eventually they reached the engineer's lab and opened the glass door.

"Tony?" Steve called out and slowly stepped into the private quarters of Tony Stark. Both heard a tool being dropped. Barnes leaned over and saw Stark on the ground with a piece of his armour in his hands. Beside him was a bottle of Johnny Walker, nearly finished. Stark seemed even worse than the last time Rogers had laid his eyes on him.

"Steve? Bucky?" Stark whispered as he finally realised that the two men were in his space. "Have you guys been standing there for a while?"

"No but you look like shit." Barnes deadpanned, Rogers elbowed him harshly. The brunette whined and rubbed the area that his partner hit him. "Have you left this place at all?" There were half finished dishes on the floor and other bottles of alcohol.

"I'm not sure, I've just been working." Tony laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"This isn't working Tony. The way you're living is unhealthy." Rogers advised and sat down beside Stark. The blonde examined Stark's arms and realised that there were cuts. He immediately grabbed Tony's arm and yanked it towards him. "Please tell me you didn't do this to yourself."

"I-I..." Stark shook his head. It almost looked like Tony could barely stay conscious. "Don't worry about me I'm fine. Just sorting things out right now."

"What the hell happened to you Stark?" Barnes sighed as he sat down on the other side of the engineer. Stark just smiled sadly and shook his head once again, he seemed indifferent about his current state of health.

"I-I just...I just went through a pretty harsh breakup, I guess I deserved it. I'm a shitty person, nobody could ever care for me that long." Stark muttered and ran his hand through his hair. The two soldiers made eye contact and knew who the man was talking about.

"I'm going to break Barton in half." Barnes growled, Tony jumped up and shook his head quickly.

"No! Don't misunderstand, he didn't do anything wrong! Believe me, he was one of the sweetest guys I could ever ask for."

"So, what happened?" Rogers asked, his voice was soft and made Tony feel safe.

"You guys know me. I'm reckless with my own health, he told me that he hated seeing me hurt. Me being the idiot screamed at him. I told him that if he couldn't handle that, then he should leave." Stark chocked on his words, Barnes patted his back. "A-at first he didn't but I continued to shout at him. I don't know why, maybe I was scared. I was scared that if I let people into my life that I'd only hurt them. I think he's more hurt than I am...I just feel like an asshole, he doesn't deserve the things I said to him."

"Tony, he'll forgive you." Steve reassured, Stark scoffed and rubbed his tear stained eyes.

"I don't deserve that. I don't deserve any form of affection at all." Stark said and bit his lip.

"You know Stark. We love you right?" Barnes suddenly said which surprised the other two men. "I mean sure Steve and I are in a relationship but I care for you just as much as if you were my significant other."

"And I feel the same way." Rogers reassured, Tony stared at them both with complete and utter shock. "Tony, just because you've hurt somebody doesn't mean you'll always continue to hurt others."

"Y-you don't know that." Stark argued.

"And you don't know if you're going to continually hurt people either." Bucky stated and held Tony's hand. "You're a good person Stark, you just don't give yourself enough credit."

"You may not see it, but we'll make sure you do." The blonde smiled and pressed a kiss against Stark's cheek. The engineer flushed and focused his eyes on the ground. "You can always rely on us."

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