Reminder (TonyxBruce)

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AN: Slowly but surely we're getting through these prompst! Leave me more, I'm too stoopid to think of my own ideas hahaha.

Also I may as well add this here, this book has somehow been getting slightly more popular than before and people have been asking me to write Tony x Peter Parker. I'm sorry but I can't personally ever write anything romantic between them. If you want me to write them as a family sure because is heck cute but I just can never see it romantically. I'm sorry to disappoint.

Summary: When Bruce Banner returned to Earth for the first time since Sokovia, he sees Tony Stark once again with somebody new.

Third Person's POV

He wasn't sure why he grew such an overprotective outlook over Peter. After all, Parker was just some kid he found on YouTube. The teenager was bubbly yet nervous at the same time, it reminded him of his lover Bruce Banner, a man he hadn't seen since Sokovia. He wasn't sure where Banner went, the man simply took a quinjet then disappeared and unfortunately, he could never track the man down.

Having Peter around constantly reminded him of having Banner around, it comforted him during the harshest of days. The young boy always asked for help due to his school topics and he was more than comfortable to teach Peter.

"Say, Mr Stark, you were in a relationship with Doctor Banner right? What happened to him?" Parker asked as he picked up a picture frame on Tony Stark's desk. The engineer turned his head and his eyes connected with the frame then the boy's eyes.

"I-I don't know." Stark muttered and rubbed his forehead as he returned his attention towards his blueprints. "Just disappeared, I couldn't find him."

"Oh..." Peter winced, regretful that he brought up such a personal topic. The teenager placed the picture frame of Stark and Banner back on the table and walked towards the adult. "Do you need help with this?"

Stark scoffed and scratched the back of his head, "If you really want to." Then watched as Parker pulled the papers closer towards him and picked up a pencil. The boy scribbled things down on a notepad as Stark continued to watch.

He couldn't help but smile as Peter continued to work quietly, it reminded him of when Banner ignored him whenever he was engrossed into a task. Stark snapped away from his thoughts when Parker pushed the papers back towards him.

"I think this part is wrong." Peter pointed out an error at one of the components. Stark shot him a look and fear flushed through the boy. "I-I mean I could be wrong."

He hoped Peter was because he hated being wrong. He simply looked at the calculations again and realised that he was wrong. He scoffed in disbelief but couldn't help but smile. "No you're right, good job kid."


He thought he was dreaming, because he had to be. Bruce Banner just came out of a wormhole? With a wizard. Parker stood beside him and couldn't help but ogle in disbelief as well. The minute Banner stepped out, he pulled Tony in for a hug.

Stark did nothing for a couple of seconds but eventually hugged him back as he realised that Bruce was real, he was back.

"God I've missed you." Banner breathed into him, then pulled away. "Who's this?" He gestured towards Parker, Stark was still too much in shock to say anything.

"I'm Peter, it's nice to finally meet you Doctor Banner!" Parker chirped happily and shook hands with the doctor. Banner smiled before he glanced back at Tony who was still dazed.

"Hey, you still here?" The doctor clicked his fingers in front of Stark. The brunette shook his head as he got a hold of himself.

"Y-Yeah, but what the hell is happening?" Stark shook his head, he needed to sit down.

"There's danger coming. Doctor Banner, I suggest you explain the situation to Stark and contact me later." Stephen Strange stated before he disappeared once again, Stark blinked once again and sighed.

"Should we head back?"


"I'm sorry, you're telling me there's some dude who wants rocks to rule the universe?" Stark asked as he tampered with a piece of armour.

"That's an oversimplication but yes." Banner agreed and helped his partner with the tech, Peter watched in awe as the two men continued to work. "You're really going to put me in one of these?"

"Hey, I'll reconfigure the Hulk Buster armour so it's easier for you." Stark grinned and winked as he ran the programming once more. "How was being stuck on a planet with Thor?" Banner let out a nervous smile as he asked Peter to help him with a task.

Parker quickly obliged, happy that he could join the two.

"It was certainly something." Banner muttered, "I've been meaning to ask but who is Peter supposed to be to you? Did you adopt a kid without telling me?"

"Even if I did, there would have been no way to contact you and he's close enough to my kid." Stark waved off and Parker flushed red. "Meaning, he's now your kid too."

"Did I really just come back to be hit with parenthood?" The doctor laughed, which made Tony smile. He had missed those laughs more than anything. "But I suppose I'll worry about that after we deal with Thanos." Parker wrote out more equations for Banner and the adult quickly skimmed through it, finding small errors. The boy quickly fixed it and showed It to Banner once again who approved it. "But I'm glad you had company whilst I was gone Tony. I hate the thought of you being lonely."

"I missed you a lot too you know? I thought you weren't going to come back." Stark admitted as he set his tablet down and helped the two. "I'm glad you did." And pressed a kiss against the other man's lips. "Let's catch up after Thanos though." 

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