Moving + Cat (TonyxSteve)

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AN: can I get all the ranting and gross stuff outa the way first. Idk if I should just restate this in the very first chapter of this book but.

If you leave me prompts, please give me the idea along with the ship. If you a b s o l u t e l y have no clue then also kindly say and I'm sure we can come up with something together.

The ships within this book should stay within the Avengers. I mean I guess with the new addition to the teams, I can see how the characters would expand to the Guardians, Doctor Strange etc etc etc. But don't ask me to write things involving xmen characters or anything else??

If I have ever said yes to doing your prompt please rest assure that I will do it but p l e a s e if it has been over a month remind me!! Also as you guys know I don't tag the people who ask the prompts, for me its sorta just like...if you really wanted it, you can come and check it yourself. It's nothing I can do but like when people I know that haven't read a single ounce of this book but ask for me to write something. I try to be nice and do it but like they never give me feedback?? Like c'mon.

Anyways, that's all the gross stuff. I'm super sorry about it but uh yeah l e a v e m e s o me p r o m p t s if you wanna.

Summary: Tony and Steve decide to buy an apartment together but they get distracted whilst clearing Steve's place. 

Third Person's POV

"Wow you really live in this tiny apartment? Thought you bought something bigger." Stark raised an eyebrow as he stepped into the small living space. Rogers followed closely behind him and shut the door behind them.

"You forget that the clothes you're wearing right now probably cost more than this apartment." Steve chuckled, he had always underestimated Tony's wealth. He placed the keys atop of a table by the door and watched as Tony continued to explore the space.

"We'll move somewhere bigger." Stark smiled as he saw the boxes that were half packed. From the looks of things it seemed that Steve had already packed most of his clothing.

"Tony I can't have you pay most of the new place." Rogers sighed as he scratched the back of his head. "At least let me pay half."

"Honestly Steve, it's not an inconvenience for me but I know you're broke as shit." Stark flashed him a grin as he crouched down to examine an opened box. Tony had a point, SHIELD paid him above average but nowhere enough where he could afford a place in New York. "Oh my god!" The brunette suddenly exclaimed.

Rogers paused and watched as the man picked up a cat off the ground. The black feline mewled softly as Tony held it close to his chest. Steve felt his heart flutter, it was adorable to see Tony play with the cat.

"You never told me you had a cat! We've dated for three years and you never told me you had a cat?!" Tony gasped, betrayal laced his eyes. The cat purred as Stark scratched its stomach. "Wait you're not even here most of the time, how is this cat even alive?"

"Because he's not my cat." Steve chuckled as he leaned against a wall. Stark raised an eyebrow as he set the feline back down on the ground. "I think he's one of the neighbours, but he hangs around my place so much that he pretty much lives here." The blonde sounded unsure. He didn't want to be responsible for cat theft. "As for food, I have an automatic dispenser that I just fill up whenever I'm back. My window has been broken for a while now, so he just slips in and out of my apartment whenever he wants."

"A broken window in New York isn't exactly safe." Stark snorted as he continued to play with the cat. "Can we take him to the new place?"

"I don't want to steal anybody's cat."

"Hey if he likes to hang around your place. It probably means he likes you better than whoever owns him." Tony remarked. Steve could tell that his partner had gotten attached to the feline by now. "I love cats."

"I've always pictured you more as a dog person." Rogers walked closer towards Tony and sat down on the ground across him. The cat pushed its head against Steve's hands and the soldier patted him.

"I don't mind either." Tony smiled as he found a cat toy on the ground. He tossed it across the room and watched as the cat rushed to fetch it. "I would have adopted a cat but I don't think a cat in the Avengers tower is a very good idea."

"Well if we're getting our own place, you can adopt as many animals as you want."

"Don't start giving me ideas." Stark laughed as he watched the cat bring back the toy. "What's his name?"

"I actually don't know. He didn't have an ID on him." Rogers frowned.

"How could you live with something so adorable but not name him?" Tony's eyes widened with shock. He picked up the cat once again and scratched its chin. "What do you want to be named huh?" The cat simply meowed.

Steve couldn't help but smile. He hadn't seen Tony this happy over anything in a while. "Here I thought you were helping me pack."

"Hey, details details." Stark muttered, "But the more important matter. Are you sure we can't take him to the new place?"

Steve let out a sigh but continued to smile. "You know what, he's probably better off with us anyway."

AN: y'all Tony is the kind of person that adopts every cat he finds, come fight me. Also that new comic pretty much confirming he's bi added years to my life. 

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