Water (Mostly SamxT'Challa)

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AN: I finally changed the cover of this book after like 6 years lmfao. Best thing (or worse) is I drew it !! So I guess it's a little more personal that way :)

Also more prompts!!

Summary: To wind down, Tony Stark suggested hosting a pool party at the Avengers facility. Clint invites Sam over as they are good friends, and Sam invites T'Challa over, well because he wanted to.

Third Person's POV

"Hey, Tony's holding this thing on the weekend, you wanna come over?" Clint Barton asked over the phone. Sam Wilson held the phone with the side of his head and shoulder as he was making breakfast.

"Define thing." Wilson asked and stirred the eggs in the pan. "And why me?"

"Because can't one bro ask another bro to hang out? And thing as in pool party."

"I'll think about it."

"No! You're coming and that's final." Barton whined like a child, if Wilson wasn't wrong he heard the other man stomp his foot on the ground. "You can invite more people if you want, just tell me who."

"If that's the case, you cool with me inviting T'Challa?" Wilson asked, recently the King of Wakanda had been staying in America at their embassy.

"You want to invite the King of Wakanda?"

"Why do you make it sound like you've never met him."

"Because what kind of King wants to attend a pool party?"

"Because can't one bro ask another bro to hang out?" Wilson smirked as he bit back the remark that the other man gave him. He heard Barton groan on the other end with a light laugh. "I'll call him and see if he wants to come."

"Alright, see you later." The call ended and Wilson turned off the stove. He took a hold of his phone and dialled T'Challa's number before he placed the call on speaker. The man moved all the contents of the pan onto a plate and started to eat.

Moments later the call was answered.

"Sam? Is everything alright?" T'Challa's deep voice came through, the man sounded as if he was exercising.

"Yeah I'm good, I was just wondering if you're busy on the weekend." Wilson said as he continued to eat his breakfast. He heard the other man softly pant over the line.

"Why so?"

"Stark's holding a party at his place, wanted to see if you were interested."

"My schedule is free, so I do not see why I cannot attend."

"Sweet, I'll text you the details." Wilson muttered and realised that asking the King of T'Challa to parties was much easier than anticipated. The call then ended with Wilson forwarding the details to the other man.


"You made it." Wilson smiled as he opened the doors to the facility. T'Challa stepped inside wearing casual attire which was rare. "Everyone's just out the back."

"I forgot to ask, but what exactly is this party for?" T'Challa hummed as he followed closely by the other man.

"It's just a pool party to relax."

"A pool?" The King stopped abruptly, Sam turned around and frowned suspiciously. "You did not inform me of this."

"What's the big deal with swimming?" Wilson smirked, T'Challa narrowed his eyes and shook his head a little.

"I do not enjoy swimming."

"Do you not know how to swim"

"Of course I know how to swim...I just do not particularly like it." T'Challa stated, Wilson just rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to get into the water if you don't want to." He turned around and kept walking, the King eventually caught up and they eventually reached the pool.

Romanoff was simply sun-bathing, Rogers and Stark were in the water splashing each other with water like children, Banner sat beside Romanoff with a book in his hands and Barton had just gotten out of the water.

Wilson made eye contact with the sniper and watched as Barton waltzed over, dripping wet.

"I was wondering where you disappeared off to." Barton smiled and shook his head to get rid of some of the excess water. "And T'Challa, you're here! Good to see you." Wilson tried to keep his eyes on the man's face rather than his abdomen. "You swimming?" The question was directed at the King.

"Perhaps." T'Challa wavered slightly, Wilson tried his best not to laugh.

"Why do you sound so anxious? Is this a cat and water thing?" Barton said and Wilson burst out laughing.

"Now that you mention it yeah, is it a cat and water thing?" Wilson wiped the tears away from the corners of his eyes. T'Challa's expression did not change but he rolled his eyes a little.

"My country's sworn protector is the black panther not the black cat." T'Challa stated and decided to give in, "I shall swim if that makes the both of you happier."

"Hey, you do whatever man. I'm going to get back in there." Barton excused himself before he walked away.

The other two men walked closer towards the water's edge and at that point Wilson wondered if he should push it.

Like, really push it.


He ended up pushing T'Challa into the waters and watched as the other man eventually emerged from out of the water with a 'really?' look on his face. Wilson laughed once again and was surprised that the King did not take much offence to his actions. Although, he was pretty sure if Okoye was here, he would have been skewered by that spear for his actions.

"I was just testing." Wilson wheezed and hunched over, still laughing. "Well at least I know you know how to swim."

"You really doubt a king?" T'Challa smirked and watched as Wilson held his hand out to help him out. T'challa took it and pulled instead, hurling the other man into the water. Wilson gasped for air as his head was finally out of the water. "I believe that's what you call revenge."

"Starting to regret inviting you here." Sam smiled.

"If you want me to leave, then you shall have to do it by force." T'Challa shot him a suggestive look. Sam wondered what that meant but decided to go with his instincts and catch the other man.

AN: I didn't know how to end this one lmfao. 

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