Comfort (TonyxLoki)

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AN: First batch of prompts :) I'm so happy you guys are giving them to me, because honestly I don't have brilliant ideas.

But just to clarify how prompts work. Give me the desired ship and roughly what you pictured for the chapter. Note that sometimes I don't take your prompt, but I will tell you ahahah.

Summary: Tony Stark's nightmares of the Avengers being assimilated have become more frequent, the unexpected has come to comfort him.

Third Person's POV

He snapped up from his horrendous sleep. His breaths were uneven and his heartrate raced to the point where his heartbeat pounded in his ears. Another nightmare, it seemed that he got them every time he tried to rest.

He eventually calmed down before he remembered that he didn't place himself to bed. He then realized that he wasn't in his own bed, he panicked once again.

He pulled the covers off him and stumbled to the door, his hands shook as he reached for the door handle. As he stepped out he was greeted with a familiar face, the doctor, Bruce Banner.

"Tony, you're awake." Banner commented, Tony Stark swallowed nervously and scanned his surroundings. He recognized where he was now, the Sanctum Sanctorum. "You passed out."

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" Stark snapped angrily, his friend flinched at the sudden uproar. Tony frowned and shook his head. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." He knew why he was frustrated, they were amid a possible war against a force much more powerful than their own. "I'm going to go catch some air."

Stark pushed past Banner and tried to find the exit. The mansion was awfully large, he wasn't sure which door led to where. He eventually settled upon a door and opened it, to his disappointment it was a library, not fresh air.

Nevertheless, nobody else occupied the area. He sighed and shut the door behind him before he sunk down against it. He pulled his knees to his chest and bowed his head, he just needed a little bit of time. Enough time to collect his thoughts.

"You seem troubled." A smooth voice suddenly spoke, he snapped his head up towards the sound. "I thought I may have heard somebody enter." Then a familiar figure appeared from behind the couches. Stark's eyes fluttered as he realized who it was. "Please don't be alarmed, I was allowed in."

"Loki?" Tony whispered, his mind did not want to believe what he was seeing. "Wh-why are you here?"

"My brother and I were ambushed as we made our way to Midgard. This palace has somewhat become a...haven, considering my first experience here wasn't all that pleasing." The God of Mischief went on, he seemed annoyed as he recalled the memory.

He looked different than Stark had remembered. The intent of deceit was no longer in his eyes, as compared to the last time Stark laid his eyes on him. Loki seemed more relaxed (as relaxed as you can be with their situation) and almost trustworthy.

"Thor's here too huh?" Stark scoffed softly and casted his eyes away, "At this rate, we'll need everyone who can fight."

"You don't seem to be in a state where you are ready to battle." Loki commented, if it were any other day Stark would have assumed that was mockery. Instead Tony pushed himself up and leaned against the door.

"I'm fine, I need to fight." Stark scowled, he didn't need the God's pity. As he turned to reach for the door he collapsed. To his surprise Loki caught him before he could fall. "Fuck." Was the only thing that left his mouth.

"I doubt you will be much use in the field if you are unable to take meer steps." Loki said, if Stark was right the God almost sounded vexed. He then helped Tony walk to one of the couches. "Are you resting?"


"Do not lie to me Stark. Who do you think I am?" Loki growled and crossed his arms, Stark raised an eyebrow and wondered why Loki was concerned about his wellbeing.

"Why are you worried for me?"

"I am not, but I understand that without you we may be unable to win this battle. I do not need a buffoon on the field."

Stark shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath. Loki frowned as the man then scrubbed his face with his hands. As Tony laid his eyes on the God once more, Loki's frown was gone.

"You don't need me to win this war." Stark admitted in a quiet voice. Loki's expression did not change, instead he crouched down so he could level with the man.

"What are you on about now?"

"I-I'm the reason the Avengers die, I-I see it in my nightmares. This is all my fault!" Stark said, he could feel tears stinging his eyes. He wasn't sure why he opened up to Loki out of all people.

"Stark, they're nothing but dreams."

"T-then what about what Wanda put in my head all those years ago!"

"This is the woman whose powers are drawn from the mind stone, yes?" Loki clarified, Tony just nodded and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "Stark what she showed you, was your greatest fear, it was not reality."

"It may as well be, I can't see us winning against this guy. Whoever the hell he is, my team are going to die and it's all my fault."

"Why would it be your fault?" Loki then asked, Tony paused and thought about the answer. "I'm sorry but the Avengers aren't fighting for your sake. If they were to die, It would be on their own hands not yours."

"I drove the Avengers away." Tony murmured, Loki waited for Stark to elaborate. "It was my fault that we disbanded. Those stupid fucking accords."

"I want you to listen to me very carefully." The God stated, Tony glanced up and they made eye contact. "What's done is done. It's in the past, all you can do is atone for your sins but that is impossible if you continue to increase the weight of these sins. Maybe it was your mistake the Avengers disbanded, but you can also be the one to bring them together once again."

Stark blinked multiple times, shocked at the words that came out of Loki's mouth. The God was the last person in the world that Stark thought could be kind to him.

"I can't guarantee your nightmares will go away, nor I can I guarantee that your fear of the Avenger's extinction will go away. I am just giving you this advice to tell you that you can move past it. Don't be pulled back by the past of all people should know about that." Loki muttered and finally stood up.

Tony knew Loki referred to the incident with his heart. How he overcame a devastating experience to make something anew of himself.

"Thank you." Tony said, Loki raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why you helped me but...thank you."

"Don't get me wrong Stark, I'd just rather not have a weak teammate" Loki lied and turned his back. For some odd reason, the God had always been fond of Stark.

Tony Stark was complicated. To the whole world the man was a playboy and the public adored him. Stark was charming and had a way with his words to get whatever he desired. However, on the other hand, he was broken. A man haunted by his past whilst being attacked by mental illnesses.

Loki wondered if there would ever be a day where Stark was no longer broken. If there were, then he'd gladly help push Stark towards that day. A day where Tony didn't have to lie about his wellbeing because he would honestly be content with himself.

"Did you still want that drink?" Stark suddenly asked as Loki was about to exit the room. The God paused and turned around once again. This time Tony had a small smile on his face. "If we survive all this, can I buy you that drink?"

Loki scoffed, surprised at Tony's offer. "Fine, only because I wasted my time comforting you and I'd like some form of repayment."

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