Tell Me What's Going On (2/2) [StevexTony but Clint is there if you squint]

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AN: Yikes yall see that new A4 trailer??

Also here's a drawing of  Clint, idk if its for this lil short story. Maybe he killed Tony, who knows AHAHA. 

Summary: The truth regarding Barton's HYDRA's alliance finally comes to light and Tony finally admits what he's done.

Third Person's POV

"Steve don't do this!" He pleaded as the soldier exited the holding cell. "Don't do this to him."

"Tony, if he's HYDRA, I can't take any chances." The other man grounded into him and positioned himself by the door. "I know how you feel, he's like family to me too."

He bit his lip as he struggled on what to do. He had accidentally let slip that Clint Barton was HYDRA and now the younger man was tied up and placed in a holding cell. He felt guilty but he wasn't sure why; perhaps he wanted to believe that his friend was innocent, that it was some ridiculous joke.

"M-Maybe they have something over him! He couldn't be-"

"Don't do that-"

"Do what?!" He almost wanted to cry out of frustration, "If he really is like family to you then you wouldn't turn on him so quick."

"He could have set off that detonation."

His stomach churned, he felt like throwing up then and there. "If you thought I set off that detonation then would you lock me up like an animal too?" He whispered as tears ran down his face. Fuck, he hated being this vulnerable but the whole spectrum of the human emotion had been thrown at him these past couple of days.

"Tony that's not-"

"I don't want to hear it." He scoffed and turned his heels. As the door closed behind him the lights flickered and Steve frowned a little. The arc reactor had never given out on them before, but he decided to ignore it for now.

As he walked towards the exit his eyes wavered over towards the sniper in the holding cell. Clint had a look in his eyes, the blonde seemed anxious but also frustrated at the same time. He let out a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair.

"I hope for your sake, you are innocent."


"Here's the file."

Clint took it off his hands with a smile. "Thank you." The blonde then proceeded to flick through it and he couldn't help but stare at the person he's called his 'brother' for the past couple of years. Clint must have noticed his heavy stare because they made eye contact. "What is it?"

"Tell me none of this is actually you." His eyes fluttered, "Tell me that you haven't been working for them all these years."

Barton continued to smile, "Why does it matter anyway?"

"I don't want to see you in jail Clint, and that's if they let you off easy."

The younger man then touched his shoulder and he pursed his lips. "I appreciate everything you and this team have ever done for me." He didn't expect such a heartfelt comment to leave the man's mouth, this wasn't the same person that threatened him in his workshop days ago.

This was the Clint he's gotten to know over the past five years.

"You know Stark." They continued, and he glanced up. "If worse comes to worse, just kill me. Being locked up has never settled well with me."


"Tony, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off that way." Steve apologised as he walked into the workshop. He then approached the brunette who was busy working on a new piece of technology. "You have every reason to be angry at me, I acted like an asshole."

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