Perception (Tony StarkxStephen Strange)

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AN: Sorry these prompts are coming out pretty late. I'm trying my best hahah. Anyways this one is a ship I've never even considered. Have fun. This one is by SmallChild42

Summary: A quick drabble of how the world-class genius Tony Stark and a world-class Stephen Strange met.

Third Person's POV

Tony Stark walked around the hall with a glass of champagne in his hands. He examined the grand room with decorations clinging onto every part of the interior. The guests talked about political and social matters as adults would. It all seemed too serious in terms of Stark's tastes, his parties were much different (and terribly louder).

"Tony! I want you to meet somebody." A voice called out for him, he turned around and saw his friend Bruce Banner with an unfamiliar face. "This is Stephen Strange. Remember the project regarding the cellular regeneration? We worked on it together."

"Ah, yes." Tony smiled politely, if he had to be honest he did not follow the project at all. He read it and it did not make any sense to him. Although that could have been due to the fact he did not study medicine. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Tony Stark."

"I'm aware of who you are." The man spoke and outstretched his hand. Stark shook it with apprehensively. The way the man spoke seemed to confidant for Stark's taste. "I'm quite the fan of your work Mr Stark."

"Oh?" Tony raised his eyebrows and took a sip from his drink. "I'm a fan of your beard. It's nice." Stark could see the uncanny resemblance in their facial hair. Strange chuckled, clearly amused at Stark's forward attitude. "What is it you do Mr Strange?"

"I'm a surgeon." The man responded, Banner glanced at them both, anxious at the tense feeling.

"Oh? I believe I've read about you. You're quite profound in your area are you not? I believe I should be calling you doctor." Stark said and studied the other man. Strange raised an eyebrow and cocked his head slightly. "Didn't you also get involved in a heavy accident?"

"Tony..." Banner let out a heavy sigh, knowing that the situation would escalate. Strange then glanced at his watch.

"Well, I have to get going." The surgeon said, mostly wanting to escape the conversation. He knew who Stark was, he fully reminded him of his past arrogant self. Stark watched as the other man left and felt Banner's glare.

"Can you be a decent person just once?" Banner huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I was being decent! That was the nicest I could be!"

"You're going to apologise."

"I don't even have his contact details."

"You'll find your way. If you don't apologise. Consider yourself a dead man." The doctor muttered as he brushed past Stark.


Stark glanced at his phone and sighed. He selected the number from his contacts and opened the messaging app. The number belonged to the surgeon whom he had 'offended' three days ago.

'Hey I realised I may have said some things that were a bit out of line. I'd like to apologise over dinner maybe?' – TS. Stark waited patiently for the message.

He waited for half an hour before he eventually received an answer.

'I apologise for the late reply but yes dinner would be fine. When are you free?' – SS. Tony shrugged as if the man could see and thought about a date.

They settled on next week Wednesday in the evening. Then Stark turned off his phone and didn't think much of it after that.


"This is a beautiful restaurant." Strange commented as he sat across Stark who seemed indifferent about the restaurant's looks. Tony glanced at the menu before he glanced back at the other man, he tapped his fingers as he thought about what to say.

"Look. I'm sorry for anything I said that may be out of line." Stark said outright, the other man stared at him and managed a smile. "I'm not usually that big of an asshole."

"And I believe you Mr Stark." The man stated and glanced back at the menu once again. There was an awkward silence once again.

"So, what's a guy like you doing with magic and an infinity stone?" Stark asked out of the blue and caused the other man to freeze. Tony ordered some wine for them both before he glanced back at Strange who still seemed shocked. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you alright?"

"Why do you know that?" The surgeon mumbled and smiled politely as the waitress served him wine.

"Well after your accident you went off grid. I decided to look into it more, figured out you went to Nepal and trained under the mystic arts or whatever." Stark shrugged off and sipped his drink. "Regarding the infinity stone. JARVIS sense a fracture in the space time continuum and I tracked it to find you at the centre of that fiasco."

"People don't kid around when they say you're a genius huh?" Strange scoffed, Tony just shrugged once again. "Well I suppose you're not wrong."

"Of course, I'm not." The genius smirked as he ordered off the menu. "But you're a genius yourself. I'm sure you're used to comments as such."

"I left my profession as a surgeon months ago."

"Doesn't mean all your knowledge and PhDs just go away." Stark chuckled. "You're an incredible surgeon. I've read some of your cases, some of your patients shouldn't have survived."

"Now you're just being flattering." Strange smiled and ordered as well. "But they're nothing compared to you."

"I'm just a guy who sits at home and plays with machines."

"That's an oversimplification. You're a hero."

"I just did what I thought was right." Tony smiled and swirled his glass.

"I was wrong about you." Stephen muttered and leaned back against his chair.

"How so?"

"I thought you were a selfish asshole."

"You're not wrong."

"No. You're quite selfless, you could have easily avoided saving New York yet you decided to save thousands of lives."

"It was just the right thing to do. You of all people should know about saving others."

"Do you see yourself as a bad person Mr Stark?"

"What do you mean?" The genius frowned, intrigued at the question. The two men watched as a waiter handed them their food.

"You seem to blame yourself constantly. I can only assume you see yourself as a bad person." The surgeon regarded. Nobody had ever asked Stark that question before.

"I think when you've done some horrible things, even if it's just once, it feels as if it outweighs all the good you've done." Tony explained. "It's a stupid thought."

"No. I completely understand." Was all Strange responded with and Stark believed him. The two ate silently for a while before one of them changed the subject. Unsurprisingly the two had a lot in common and continued to talk.

Stephen suddenly saw the man in a whole different light. Tony didn't remind him of his past self, no, Tony reminded him of a man who had seen the darkest parts of life but has tried his best to move past it. A man that Strange was currently aspiring to be.

AN: More prompts coming soon I promise!! If you have anymore feel free to leave it. 

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