a cat and a bird playing around for 1.8k words straight [t'challaxclint]

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AN: no im not back !! but I thought I'd do this update because I high-key miss these two and the idea of 616 clint w MCU tchalla has me soft ngl.

I also thought I'd write this a little differently!! Be a little more casual w things.

Summary: T'Challa offers for Clint to stay in Wakanda soon after they had won the war against the mad Titan Thanos.

Third Person's POV

[ This is the story of a cat and bird. The story of how polar opposites became friends and forged an unlikely bond. It had all started when the cat had offered the bird a home when the bird had no where else to stay. ]

"Hi T'Challa!"

The voice caught him off-guard momentarily, he immediately turned his head and saw the familiar former Avenger behind him. He had always wondered how they managed to sneak up behind him like that but then again, considering how often he did the same thing to people perhaps this was karma.

"Clint, what can I do for you?" He asked as his lips twitched upwards.

The blonde stood by his side before the two walked down the empty hallways of the palace together.

"I was just bored I suppose, so I came looking for you."

"Fortunately for you, it seems the rest of my afternoon is clear."

[ The cat had taken the bird under its wing ... or rather paw, giving them a home when nobody else would. Initially adamant, the bird realises that he had nowhere else to fly to and followed the kind cat home.

"I'm sure you'll like my home, there's plenty of space and refreshing fresh air." The cat assures walking beside the bird. "What about you? What was your home like?"

The bird ponders for a second, "I've never quite had a home you see, when I thought I did ... it didn't quite work out."

"Does it not get lonely?"

"Of course it does, but when you know how to fly, it's easy to escape from the loneliness." ]

"I guess I just want to thank you for letting me stay here again." Clint finally spoke up as the two sat down together at a nearby café. The blonde played with his straw and stared blankly into his glass of lemonade. "I'm sorry if I'm any inconvenience."

"I've told you countless times that you staying here brings me no problems." T'Challa reassured with a chuckle and poked his slice of cake. "You did not want to stay in New York correct? And you also did not know where to go either, hence why I offered you to stay here."

Clint forced a smile and finally glanced up, "It still feels like I'm intruding here, you're not even letting me pay rent."

"The fact that you haven't blown anything up is enough for me." The King joked around and managed to make the other man laugh a little. "You're welcome to stay as long as you please."

"I'll try not to overstay my welcome ... but thanks." He took a sip from his drink. "I just don't think I can go back to New York for a while, it hasn't felt the same since Tony and Nat ..." He never quite finished his sentence, trailing off into his own thoughts before he got his last words out.

"It was not your fault any of them died."

Clint twitched, "I know." He breathed out before he spoke out once again, "But a part of me feels guilty, they both died right in front of me and I couldn't do anything at all."

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