Bluntness (TonyXMatt)

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AN: Ahh sorry for the slow update, but here's a prompt from @drawn_shadow on Tony X Matt, which is interesting because I've never heard the ship before, BUT I SEE IT. 

Summary: When Tony first met Matt Murdock, he never realised that the other man would be blind. He tries his best to find a solution to help his new friend Matt.

Third Person's POV

"Tony, this is Matt. Matt this is Tony" Clint introduced the both of them, Tony just so happened to be walking around the common area when he saw the archer with someone he didn't recognise. The man was around the same height as Clint and wore a pressed suit. Tony recognised him immediately from the news articles.

"Matt Murdock, the lawyer right?" Tony asked, Matt seemed surprised that Stark knew him but the lawyer just gave a soft chuckle.

"And here I thought Clint just talked too much about me" Matt said as he continued to smile, one thing Tony's picked up (from the news) was that Matt was blind and it was made apparent by the dark tinted glasses. Clint couldn't help but smile and Tony could see the archer flush red, now that Tony thought about It Clint did always bring up a "Matt".

Then Clint's phone rang, Matt and Tony both stared at the archer. Barton picked up the phone and mouthed 'sorry' before taking a couple of steps back. That left some time for Stark and Murdock to talk for a bit.

"Have you been blind your entire life?" Tony asked, Matt frowned and Stark realised how blunt he was. Tony gaped and covered his mouth with the palm of his hands, "Oh shit, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for it to sound so blunt"

"No, no" Matt laughed, holding his hand over his mouth as well but to stifle a laugh. "I'm quite used to it. But no I got some chemicals in my eyes when I was younger"

"Oh" Was the only thing Tony could say, "Have you tried treatments?"

"No one could help me, even if they could I'm sure it would have cost something I couldn't afford" Matt explained, Tony didn't know what came over him but every part of him wanted to help the lawyer as much as he could. And he had to admit, it interested him on so many levels.

"I want to help you" Tony mumbled, barely audible but Matt heard it. The vigilante glanced up and smiled.

"You really don't need to go through the trouble" Matt's voice sounded so sincere it made Tony's heart pang.

"You heard that?" Stark frowned, and blinked a couple of times in confusion.

"I suppose when your blind, you learn to rely on your other senses" Murdock explained, and could feel Clint walking back towards them. "Well Mr Stark, if you don't mind I'll be taking my leave now"

Tony nodded and watched as Matt left with Clint.


The next time the lawyer saw Tony Stark was when the engineer was trying his best to help him. Matt had accidentally wondered off into the tower and happened to walk by Tony's lab, he managed to make out where the door was and opened it.

He managed to make out Tony sitting down on a chair looking over something, Stark seemed to notice the lawyer coming in and stopped to greet him.

"Matt! Hey...what are you doing here?" Tony sounded tired, as if he hadn't slept for a week. Murdock frowned and walked closer towards Tony, Tony got up and helped him walk over.

"I was actually looking for Clint but never mind me, you sound like you haven't slept at all" Matt sighed and watched as Stark slumped down against his chair.

"I've been trying to help you get your sight back" Tony groaned, "No luck"

"Tony..." Matt sighed and frowned at the same time.

"I know you told me I didn't have to, but I just felt like I wanted to" Tony explained, to his surprise Matt hugged him. Stark nestled his head in between the crooks of Matt's neck.

"You don't have to, I'm perfectly fine and in some unexplainable way I can see" Matt explained, then pulling away from the hug. Tony glanced up at him and nodded, realising he can relax without having a burden placed on him. He then noticed a bruise on Matthew's head.

"What happened there" Tony gestured towards the bruise, then realising Matt couldn't see.

"I just walked into a wall" Murdock shrugged it off, "It happens a lot"

Tony chuckled and rubbed his eyes, "Be more careful"

"Kind of hard, I am blind" Murdock smirked, Tony opened his mouth to speak but realised he should hold back. "Anyways, you should sleep, you need it" and with that Murdock turned his back towards the engineer, Tony got up and helped lead him towards the door. Tony opened the door and helped Matt walk back out. "You should rest"

"But you could walk into another wall" Tony joked, Murdock smiled and shook his head. "I'm going to be completely blunt here"


"Yeah, are you and Clint dating?"

Matt scoffed and laughed, Tony frowned but couldn't help but smile at how adorable the other man looked. "No, but I can see why you would think that"

"Then why'd you laugh so obnoxiously loud?"

"I just imagined what it would be like that's all"

"So you're not seeing anyone?" Tony asked, Matt shook his head. "Time to be blunt again but will you go out with me?" Matt glanced up at him and Tony waited for a response. When Matt didn't respond Tony frowned but then the other man kissed him softly on the lips. "So that's a yes?" Murdock just chuckled and kept walking.

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