'Cause You're My Home (tonyxsteve)

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AN: working on prompts I barely have any recollection of? Yeah but I just watched endgame again (with the bonus take) and all the prompts were situated around that !!

Also im really sorry if I just disappear, I have half a mind to place this book under hiatus again because I've just lost touch w writing again. I can't tell you the amount of WIPs I have, kinda just in a writing rut rn but I'm sure I'll get back to it (I hope, maybe I'll see yall in 3 years)


Third Person's POV

The first time he had a panic attack around Steve was on their first date; it wasn't the greatest first impressions, but it wasn't as if he could help it.

They were at a carnival down by the docks, surrounded by bright lights and loud noises.

He was fine for a while, too happy to give a shit really but then the fireworks went off and something inside him snapped.

One minute he was standing on his own two feet and the next minute he was down on the ground zoning in and out. He couldn't breathe and the amount of people surrounding him didn't particularly help either.

He saw flashes of Afghanistan and then of New York which only constricted his throat more. Tears stung his eyes as he laid on the ground gasping for air like a fish out of water.

"Tony..." A faint voice called out to him and a warm touch followed soon after. "Its Steve, do you think you can focus on me?"

The sound was drowned out by louder bangs and his body let out an instinctive scream. His hands moved towards his ears as he attempted to drown out the noise, the pain.

He felt a hand touch his shoulder and another hand behind his knees. He was lifted off the ground and carried god knows where.

At one point however, it was quiet. He couldn't hear the voices and certainly not the explosions.

"Are you alright?" The voice was clearer now and he found himself being able to breathe easier.

"W-What happened?" He murmured as his vision finally cleared. He was met with soft teal eyes and a kind smile. "Please tell me I didn't look like a dumbass."

"Oh no, it's definitely going on the news tomorrow." They chuckled and ran their hand through his hair.

He slowly sat up but was still in the other man's warm arms. "We both know it could be worse."

There was shared laughter then silence. They stared at one another and intertwined their fingers together.

"Are you sure you're alright? We can go home." Steve murmured as he pressed their foreheads together.

He smiled a little and shut his eyes, "Nothing alcohol can't fix."

"Tony..." It was a worried tone but he knew it meant, 'don't even try it or I'll kill you myself.'

"Calmati calmati." He breathed out with a weary smile, his mother tongue coming out unprompted, "I'm fine, really."

"Remind me to never take you to places like these again." Steve helped him up and he found himself leaning against his date. The soldier didn't seem to mind though, if anything he was happy that Tony was this close.

"So you're saying you want to go on a second date?"

"Of course." They mumbled and wrapped their hand around his waist. "I had a good time tonight, considering what just happened."

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