I'm Here For You (SteveXClint)

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AN: I KNOW IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! It's literally been a month but I've just been lazy and have had utter mind blanks. I promise to do better, did anyone leave prompts btw? If you have can you please tell me again and also if you have any prompts please do request! I wasn't quite sure what to update so I did something loosely based on a close friend of mine. SO IF YOU READ THIS IM SORRY?!! DON'T KILL ME, IT LOOSELY? Steve and Clint babbyy

Summary: Clint Barton was a man who had to deal with a lot of problems. Little by little though he's learnt to trust people to talk about it to.

Third Person's POV

Clint had always been lonely for a majority of his life, sure he had a 'family' when he was younger but could he even really call them family? Being abused and mistreated doesn't classify under the unconditional love that parents had for their children right? He wouldn't know, the line had gotten real blurry over the years.

When he first joined SHIELD that was the first time in his life in which he felt a sense of belonging. But soon enough he started getting teased for being a 'carnie' or other names that they could concoct. He didn't mind too much though, his father said worst to him when he was five. He learned to crave loneliness over the years, he learned that it was better to be alone. He wouldn't have to get involved with anyone and he wouldn't have to face anyone's judgment.

Being lonely was one thing but being a soldier was another, then again he's always told himself that the two complimented each other. But being a soldier has long term effects on a person both mentally and physically, in his case it was PTSD. Being in the field almost 24/7 whilst killing people no better than himself for a living will undoubtedly affect his mental health.

He did go see a psychologist (Fury forced him to) but that only introduced him to the endless list of problems that he had. Depression being about 30 of them.

"Ever had suicidal thoughts Mr Barton?" The psychologist asked as he stared at Barton, Clint narrowed his eyes at the other man. He couldn't get a good read on the psychologist which annoyed him greatly.

"Right now sure" Barton replied and rested his head on his knuckles, keeping his eyes locked straight ahead. The psychologist jotted something down but Barton couldn't be bothered to see what he was writing by the movements of his wrist. "Listen man, it's a waste of time for me to be here. I can deal with my problems just fine, I don't need some fucking psychologist to repeat to me what I already know"

With that Clint just stood up and left the room.

Clint never really knew what 'family' meant to him until he joined the Avengers, he would have thought that they'd treat Clint the same as they did at SHIELD but they were different. All of them seemed to somehow enjoy having Clint around. He wasn't quite sure why though, he wasn't exactly the most interesting person to talk to. One person he did get awfully close to though was none other than Captain America himself. Barton didn't mind him too much, the man was nice to Clint and always tried to engage in some sort of conversation.

Rogers was always happy and honestly he beamed like the sun whenever he talked about something he enjoyed. Clint had always wondered how he stayed so happy, Rogers was a soldier too and never the less being iced for seventy years and waking up to a world completely different must have devastated him...no?

"Steve, how are you always so...full of life?" Clint asked out of the blue one day whilst the two were relaxing on the common floor. Steve had just finished making himself a cup of coffee and walked over to where Clint was sitting. Over the course of time Clint found it strange how much he enjoyed being around Steve, he enjoyed hearing the other man talk and he was grateful that Rogers continued to stick by him.

"Full of life?" Steve managed a small laugh, Clint stared at him. Steve sighed and placed the cup down on the table, "When I woke up after all those years I was scared, I didn't know anyone and the world I knew was completely changed. But moping about the past wasn't going to change anything, I learnt to just keep pushing forward and to keep working towards the future"

Clint nodded and tried to grasp the concept of what Rogers was trying to say, Steve noticed Clint's worry.

"Look Clint, you don't have to deal with everything alone. I guess that's one of the reasons I managed, I made friends that I know I can trust. You don't have to be alone, the Avengers care about you...I care about you and whatever you're going through just remember I'm here for you" Steve smiled, Clint blinked and was lost on what to say. No one had ever said that to him before and he wasn't quite sure how to react, he looked at Steve in astonishment and the Captain laughed. "The Avengers are your family Clint; we're not going to judge you for the things you do. I don't know what you've gone through and I'm perfectly fine with never knowing about it but all you need to know is that I'm here for you"

Clint continued to stare at him before he moved closer and pressed a kiss against Steve's cheek and whispered a 'thank you' before he left the room. Rogers flushed red and covered his face with his hands to try and hide his embarrassment. He wondered why Clint did that, was it something he said?

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