Missing (StevexTony)

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AN: hii, sorry I've been MIA for a while. I took a long break and I'm in Japan rn !! so I wanna try and make the most of that.

Also y'all see that angsty A4 trailer? Steeb bby don't cry. Can we also ask NASA to send a rocket for Tony. Also Clint !!!

I know I'm bad at getting them done, but please leave me prompts :)

Summary: During the midst of their mission to take down Ultron, Steve Rogers gets kidnapped and it's up to Tony to rescue him.

Third Person's POV

"You fucking abandoned him?!" He screamed as he grabbed Clint Barton by the lapels and slammed him against the wall. The blonde although shocked by the sudden uproar decided to let the other man expel all his anger. "You just let Ultron take him!?"


"He was supposed to be with you and you left him?!"

"He told me to take the package and leave. Do you really think I wanted to leave him? He's my friend, I wouldn't leave him behind willingly." Barton spoke in a calm manner to avoid further escalation. "Look, I'm just as frustrated as you are but let's not fight and just try to get him back."

"Clint's right." Bruce Banner cut in. He snapped his head around and glared at the doctor. "If we have disagreements, then we have no chance in taking down Ultron."

"Steve probably wouldn't want you beating the shit out of Clint anyway, no matter how much of an asshole he is." Natasha Romanoff smirked and he slowly but surely calmed down. He let go of the other man and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to shout and grab you like that." He apologised and let out a deep breath. "I'm just worried."

"It's alright. Let's just get him back alright?" Clint smiled as if nothing was wrong. He just nodded once and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"If I know Ultron, he's probably going to make an announcement that he has Cap." He muttered as he tried to piece together theories. "I just hope that he's not hurt."

Then as if on cue a call came through. He glanced upwards at the screens and placed the call through whilst tracing the signal.

"Ah, so good to see you Stark." Ultron's mocking voice came through. "I understand you're missing somebody."

"The hell do you want with him?" He bared his teeth and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Leverage of course." The AI chuckled, "Give me the body and in return I'll give you Captain Rogers."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll send him back in pieces. You have twenty-four hours." Then the call abruptly ended, he glanced over at the progress bar. It had barely reached half way. He bit the inside of his cheek and asked himself what to do.

"Perhaps we could see what that body is. If it's already been connected to Ultron, then surely it would know where Ultron is." Bruce suggested, and he quickly agreed with that idea. "Problem is, we have no idea what it is and how to activate it."

"We have to try." He pressed and the rest of the team agreed. Hours passed but little to no progress was made. At one point he wanted to give up but he knew he couldn't, not when Ultron had Steve.

Suddenly Thor appeared once again after a short disappearance, with no warning the God struck thunder upon the body. He watched as the readings skyrocketed along with the body slowly rising from its chamber.

The unknown being quickly named himself Vision before he proceeded to aid the team on Ultron's location. By the time they raided the location, Ultron had already moved on towards his master plan in Sokovia.

He immediately tracked down Steve whilst the rest of the team tried to slow down Ultron's plans. He found the man locked up in a prison and blasted the locks open. The soldier glanced at his rescue and couldn't help but smile.

"Are you alright?" He asked as his mask came off. "Please tell me you're alright."

"Nothing I can't bounce off." Steve continued to smile and in that moment, he kissed the other man. For a moment they enjoyed each other's lips. "I'm alright, really."

"I know, I was just scared." He admitted and turned his head as he heard a distant rumble. "We should probably save this until after Ultron."


"You're really leaving the Avengers?" Steve mumbled and touched the other's face. "Why?"

"The Avengers have always been your team. You're more than capable of leading a new team that will replace us in the years to come." He explained as his hands wrapped around his partner's waist. "Besides, things at the company have been hectic lately."

"The Avengers won't quite be the same without you."

"If you really need me, don't hesitate to ask." He reassured and kissed the other man once again. "I see you at home every day anyway. So don't miss me too much."

Steve laughed and stroked his hair. "I'll try my best not to."

"Clint and Thor left, not to mention Bruce just up and left without a word. Why didn't you give them shit about it?"

"Because I'm not in a relationship with them. I could at least try to convince my boyfriend, can't I?" The soldier smiled. "I can't really stop them anyway. Clint's taking over Fury at SHIELD, Thor has business in Asgard that we can't control and Bruce...well I'm sure he'll give us a call."

"We still have our glory days."

"That we do." Steve reassured, "But if you want to leave I can't stop you. Do what's best for you."

"I love you." He murmured and pressed his head against the other man's chest.

"I love you too Tony." 

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