Protectiveness (MattxClint)

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AN: I'm sorry I died everyone. I've just been unmotivated to do anything .-. but I think this is the last prompt ish on the list. So please feel free to leave me some down below!!
Also I made that Instagram account for those interested, I won't say the username yet because it's legit barren and I want to have at least one thing up!! I promise soon tho :)

Summary: Matt Murdock and Clint Barton constantly get injured due their teammates. This in turn makes them protective of one another from said teammates.

Third Person's POV

"You should be more careful." Clint Barton whispered as he dabbed antiseptic on his partner's wounds. He watched as the brunette flinched in pain and instinctively tried to pull away but Barton held him still as he finished wrapping up the bandages. "Isn't your team looking out for you?"

"We're barely a team." Matt Murdock scoffed as he thanked the younger man for aiding him with his wounds. He watched as the blonde stood up with the bloodied cotton balls and disposed of them before he stored away the medical kit that they had. "After all, I've only known them for a month."

"They need to look out for you." Barton pointed out as he walked towards the clean laundry basket and found Matt's black sweater. He tossed it towards the other man who slowly put it on as he tried his best not to open his stitches.

"I'm fine, honestly." Murdock smiled and felt his partner sit down beside him once again. His hand reached out for the blonde's and interlocked their fingers together. "You just worry too much."

"Well when you come home with excessive injuries, it just worries me." The blonde brought their hands up and pressed a kiss against Murdock's knuckles. The vigilante laughed a little and shook his head.

"You should look at yourself. You come home worse than me." The brunette said as Barton rested his head on his shoulder. "I ought to give the Avengers a piece of my mind letting you get that injured."

"I have never seen you angry."

"I get angry."

"No, you don't." Barton smirked, "But by all means, please scream at the Avengers for me."

A couple of days later, Matt once again had to aid the Defenders. Barton didn't think too much of it as it had become a routine for the brunette to suddenly leave. However one hour later, the blonde received a rather distressing call.

"Hey Matt, what's up?" The blonde asked as he set down the video game controller. He immediately snapped up as he heard gun shots and screaming in the background of the call. "Are you alright?" His heart raced as he thought about the wellbeing of his partner.

"H-Hey, I hate to do this but I need your help." Murdock's voice cut in, the man was out of breath presumably from all the fighting. "They're too much for us." Before the blonde could respond, the call was suddenly cut off.

Barton threw his phone aside and sprinted towards his bedroom as he searched for his weapons. He had about twelve arrows with him but they were better than none. He swung the quiver around his back and grabbed his bow before he jumped out of their window onto the fire escape. His hand reached towards his hearing aids and pressed against a button. A visor formed over his left eye.

"Computer, track the last call made." He spoke and watched as information slid into the piece of machinery. He ran as fast as he could towards the location, if he planned his route correctly he would be there in about five minutes.

By the time he got there he saw Murdock on the ground whilst the rest of the team tried their best to fend them off. He scowled and pulled out an arrow, then quickly lined his shot before he fired.

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