Change Of Mind (TonyxT'Challa)

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AN: Does anybody here do ATAR, if so, ha how are you guys doing. WACE is in a little over a week .-.

Summary: T'Challa believes that assassinating Tony Stark would be beneficial but learns that Tony isn't as bad as originally perceived.

Third Person's POV

"Assassinating Tony Stark? Even that is a bit much for you brother."

"He's a threat to the world, therefore a threat to Wakanda. It would be better if I put an end to his actions now." T'Challa grounded as he picked up the Black Panther mask from atop the table. He studied the part of his suit and was reminded that he would fully need to take the mantle as King one day.

"What are you planning to do? You're not known to use a gun." Shuri grinned and typed away into her terminal. He could never tell what she was doing but it wasn't as if he wanted to know. "I say we sedate him with poison."

"Here I was thinking to just snap his neck."

She glanced up briefly but said nothing as she turned her attention back to her screen. "I'm almost saddened by this news."

"What news?"

"I have a lot of respect for Tony Stark. He's probably one of the only few people who would understand me." She hummed and proceeded to play around with a prototype. "But do what you must."

"He produces weapons that decimates thousands of lives. I cannot risk that." He breathed out as he placed the mask back down once again. "Get a jet ready for me Shuri. I'll take my leave soon."


"Mr Stark this is Prince T'Challa. He's here on behalf of Wakanda." Pepper Potts introduced the two. They shook each other's hands and Tony forced a smile.

"Right, that's great but I'm going back home." The genius excused himself and had already stepped away from the conversation. "I'm sure if he wants to discuss business he can talk to Stane!"

T'Challa frowned slightly as he watched the man leave the room. His attention turned back to Potts who let out a heavy sigh and sorted out the paperwork on her table.

"I'm sorry about him. His name may be on the company, but he doesn't run it." She explained and held the pile of paper in her arms.

"How do you mean?" He tilted his head slightly and offered to help her. She accepted and thanked him graciously.

"When his father passed away he was still too young to run a major company. It's all lead by a family friend, Obediah Stane." She lead him out of the room as she picked up a briefcase. He let out a hum of contemplation.

"You're telling me everything that this company does...he is not involved?"

"No but don't take that the wrong way, he's not lazy." There was a slight pause. "Tony is a great man but his interests are invested elsewhere rather than this company."

He narrowed his eyes at the new information given. Perhaps he was wrong about Stark. He needed more time to figure out his final decision.


"Hey, you're that prince dude aren't you?"

T'Challa turned his head around and was surprised to find Tony behind him. The brunette held an iced coffee in his hands with his glasses resting atop of his head.

"Mr Stark. Odd to see you here."

"Pepper wanted me to pick something up." Tony smiled a little as he sipped his coffee. "How long are you in America for?"

"Another week at most."

"You know I wondered why Wakanda sounded so familiar." Stark pursed his lips and the prince raised an eyebrow. "You guys got a shit tonne of Vibranium don't you?"

T'Challa's eyes widened slightly, that information wasn't meant to be public. "How did you acquire this information?"

Tony shrugged with a slight smile, "I know little things about everything." Then the man took a step closer to the prince. He leaned forward so that he could whisper. "As a courtesy, protect yourselves. I can guarantee Stane will come after your Vibranium."

T'Challa's eyebrows knitted together once again. "May I ask you something that could come off as a little personal Mr Stark?"


"Why is it that you let Stane run your company? You are of legal age to fully run this company. Besides the weapons are by your design."

Stark sipped his coffee obnoxiously loud. "No, you got that wrong." The prince made eye contact with the man. "I wanted to design renewable energy, when I found out that son of a bitch used my plans to make weapons-" Tony's hand clenched around the cup. "He'll have what's coming to him."

That was when T'Challa realised that perhaps Stark was not his target after all. "You are a good man Mr Stark."

The other man chuckled, "I try to be. Anyways-" A quick look of his watch, "I have to run or Pepper might kill me. I hope I'll catch you around before you leave."


"You really have to leave so soon?"

"I'm afraid I'm needed back in Wakanda."

Tony hummed with a nod of his head. "Shame, I was really starting to like having you around."

"Yes...I did not think I'd enjoy your company, but you've changed my mind." T'Challa watched as a car came around to pick him up.

"Have a safe flight and if you're ever back in New York let me know." Tony smiled softly, "I'll give you a proper tour of the place."

The other man laughed at the comment. "I'll hold you to that Mr Stark." Then he turned to open the car door.

"Wait." When he turned his head Tony walked closer towards him and pressed a quick kiss against the prince's cheek. T'Challa flushed. "Just call me Tony alright?"

"Of course, I'll be sure to stay in contact." He reassured and as he entered the car his mind trailed back to the genius. He couldn't help but smile.

Perhaps it was a good thing that his initial plans had changed.

AN: wow shitty chapter I know. 

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