Can I Stay? (TonyXSteve)

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AN: I'm sorry for the slow update, I've been tired and busy and my best friend had recently left the country. So enjoy a continuation to the last chapter :)

Summary: Wakanda now being safe haven for Roger's team they have a moment to relax until of course an unexpected guest comes.

Third Person's POV

"There's someone coming" Barton's voice rang through the intercoms, Rogers sat up from the arm rest and glanced out the glass plane windows.

"Barton get inside now" Rogers barked, when he saw the incoming helicopter, the archer was outside in the thick jungles as it seems. The Captain wondered whether or not he should call T'Challa or not. Barnes and Wilson walked closer from the kitchen to inspect what was going on.

"Hey Cap, is everything alright?" Wilson frowned, Rogers outstretched his arm, signalling for them to stop. The two stopped dead silent, Rogers moved his hand back to the intercom in his ear.

"Clint, please tell me you're inside" The Captain whispered and watched as the helicopter started to land on the helipad. Suddenly the doors opened and the archer walked in panting with his bow around his back. As soon as the helicopter door opened Roger's heart dropped and the rest of them froze. It was Stark, he seemed pretty beaten up but he hid it well under that three-piece suit and sunglasses.

"Cap?" Wilson frowned, "What do we do?"

"I'll go" Rogers sighed, moving past them but Barnes grabbed him on the shoulder and shook his head.

"It's probably a trap Steve" Barnes warned, "Let T'Challa deal with this"

Before they could actually could do anything, they saw that someone had opened the mansion door from the camera feed. It was Scott, Rogers groaned and hit himself in the head.

"Is Cap in? I assume he's in because you're here" Stark asked, taking off his glasses and tucking them in a pocket. Scott opened his mouth to speak, realising the mistake he made when he opened the door, Stark walked inside. "I'm going to assume he's in"

Stark walked in and Scott shut the door behind him, the engineer wandered around before eventually finding the room where Rogers was. The minute he stepped in, he could feel something sharp against the temple of his head. It was Barton of course, with an arrow ready to shoot.

"It would be much appreciated if you didn't attempt to murder me" Stark sighed, turning his head and looking at him. Clint put the arrow down and nodded, Rogers crossed his arms and stared at the genius.

"Are you here to arrest us? To get Bucky back?" Steve's tone was dangerously low, Stark stared at him and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"No, I'm here to-I..." Stark trailed off, staring at the floor. "Can we talk privately?"

Rogers nodded and ushered the rest to leave the room, leaving them alone. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry" Tony sucked his breath and looked at Rogers who seemed surprised.

"About?" Rogers frowned, wanting him to explain slightly better.

"Everything! Ok?! I just-after Everything-I can't...I'm lonely" The genius shouted at first but his voice went down to a small meep. The Captain sighed genuinely feeling sorry for his former friend, Stark looked like he was on the verge of tears. The genius moved to sit down on the couch and rubbed his weary eyes. "I never realised I could get so lonely"

Steve sat down next to Tony and hesitantly wrapped his arms around the other man, Stark was mostly relieved he did that. "Is this your PTSD...?"

"That's probably a part of it. I-I lost my parents and that was horrible enough and then of course Afghanistan hit. New York I nearly died and then Sokovia I saw all of you...dead and all the guilt and trauma that was placed on me...It's too much to handle by myself" Stark said, Rogers could see the tears drop onto the floor and pulled him into a hug when the other man started to hyperventilate. "The Avengers was my family, I trusted you guys more than anything and now with this, everyone disbanded-you-I..."

Stark could hardly talk behind the chocked sobbing, Rogers stroked his hair and tried his best to soothe him. "I never realised it could have such a detrimental effect, I'm so sorry Tony, you know I wouldn't have done this if I had another choice"

"I-I know it's a little much but...can I stay? With you? With everyone else?" The engineer asked, Steve frowned.

"What about-"

"I don't care; I don't want this to end. You guys are more important than anything else"

Steve smiled softly and nodded, pulling him closer and staying with him.

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