Quiet Night (BruceXSteve)

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AN: Sorry for the wait guys, I am in Indonesia which means I'll probably be out most of the time. Also the Wi-Fi is really crap XD Anyways this is a prompt from @jjjmsl in which I've never heard of the ship but I'm willing to try XD

Summary: Stark throws a party but Bruce prefers a quiet night with no distractions along with Steve.

Third Person's POV

No one knew why Tony Stark liked throwing parties, but it became a regular basis that he did. The parties were loud and usually filled with people. Everyone was rather surprised at the fact that Stark knew so many people but then again he is one of the most recognisable people on the planet.

As much as people enjoy Stark's parties, Bruce prefers a quiet night in where he either reads or sits in his labs doing experiments. Parties made him nervous and heightens the risks of bringing the other guy out, so he avoided them as much as possible.

This party in particular was loud, way too loud for Bruce's liking. He shuffled his way around the people (who were clearly enjoying themselves more than Bruce) and somehow made it to the bar. There he saw Rogers and Barton who were just chatting idly about anything and everything, Steve seemed to notice Bruce and encouraged him to join the conversation.

"It's pretty loud" Bruce commented (more like shouted) over the crowds of people, Rogers and Barton chuckled.

"If by loud you mean louder than usual then yes, it's loud" Steve smirked, taking a sip from his drink. "I'd much prefer a quiet atmosphere"

Bruce seemed to notice what he said and perked up at his opinion.

Maybe, he'd want to go up to my floor or something Bruce thought, even though it was a little hard to think due to the noise.

"Well you two can do what you need to do, I'm going to go find Stark" Barton smirked, then disappearing into the crowd.

"Say...you want to go to someplace quieter?" Banner shouted, Rogers smiled and accepted his offer. Bruce led him to his floor and they sat themselves down on the couch. "Sorry, I just wanted to escape the noise"

"No I much prefer less noise, what now though?" Rogers smiled, the doctor glanced into his navy blue eyes and seemed to be lost in them for a moment.

"I suppose we could watch movies" Banner shrugged, looking away from the Captain. "Unless of course, you don't want to"

Rogers smiled softly and ended up agreeing to it, Banner sat next to him and told JARVIS to bring down the projector. The lights in the room faded and the projector turned on, Steve inched closer and placed his arm over the couch and watched as Bruce flushed red.

"So..um- what movies do you want to watch?" The doctor mumbled, the Captain shrugged for a response.

"Any modern movies will do" Rogers replied, Bruce sighed and told JARVIS to put on the new Star Wars movie. Banner knew that he had watched all the previous ones due to Stark but he hadn't seen the new one. The two watched silently and Bruce somehow ended up snuggling by Steve and falling asleep.


In the morning after they had gotten every guest out of the Avengers Tower, the Avengers went looking for Banner and Rogers. Stark and Barton went to Banner's floor and saw the two sleeping next to each other on the couch. Tony gave Clint a look and Clint elbowed him in the ribs, they walked up in front of the two sleeping Avengers.

"I told you they would totally do it" Stark smirked, Barton rolled his eyes.

"The bet was that they have sex, they did not have sex" Barton remarked, raising his eyebrow and grinning.

"How would you know that?"

"Well, for one thing they're not naked and secondly there's no-"

"Don't finish that sentence Barton" Rogers mumbled, slowly peeling his eyes open and adjusting to the light. "And did you two bet on us?"

"Maybe..." Stark smirked, "You two are adorable and did you two do it...by any chance?"

Rogers shook his head and Barton stretched out his arm motioning Stark to hand over the keys to the Aston Martin. Yes they had bet on a car because Barton wanted the car and because Stark had tonnes of cars. Tony sighed, pulling the keys out of his pocket and chucking at the archer.

"On the contrary, you two should still do it" Stark snickered, Barton sighed and punched him before pushing him out of the floor. Bruce and Steve shared looks and laughed nervously in between each other.

"So...? Want to continue the movie?" Bruce asked, Rogers smiled and nodded.

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