If People Beat You Up, Just Stab 'em [StevexClint]

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AN: oof that new trailer giving me major Stony vibes.

Also here's a prompt that im just gonna set around the premise of endgame. Warning its a shitty chapter. 

Summary: Amidst the chaos of the snap, Steve entered a shitty relationship, Clint is fortunately here to get him out of that.

Third Person's POV

Out of everything he thought he'd be doing today, beating the life out of Steve's abusive piece of shit boyfriend was the last thing on that list. It wasn't like he minded though, like he said, they were an abusive piece of shit.

At one point he even pulled out a switchblade; which apparently wasn't normal to society's standards but hey half the fucking population was dead, so that's half less complaints.

Steve caught his arm before he went to stab the man though. It surprised him, he thought Steve would want the man dead. Then again, the man is-was Captain America, it would have been morally strange if he wanted somebody to be murdered.

"It's okay." Steve whispered with a shaky breath, God, the look in the man's eyes was enough to make his stomach churn. "Really."

He let out a deep sigh and stored the switchblade away. "I hope you realise he was beating the shit out of you right?"

Steve smiled sadly and nodded. The man looked like shit and he wanted to reach out and touch his old friend. Anything to comfort him.

"I know."

"And you just let him?"

The soldier shook his head in a defeated manner. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

Steve narrowed his eyes and exhaled. "W-Why are you here anyway?"

Ah, the classic change of subject. He couldn't blame Steve though, he wouldn't want to talk about something like this either. Nevertheless, the man asked a good question.

It wasn't like he meant to be here. He had just heard that people turned to dust and he wanted to check up on his team. He owed it to them to at least visit after he left abruptly all those years ago.

"I came to see if you guys were alright." He admitted then his gaze turned towards the unconscious man on the ground, "Walked in and saw him shout and hit you."

"I thought...I thought you were dead." Steve's voice turned quiet. He felt his heart wrench, what could he even say to that?

"I'm not a pile of ashes don't worry." He joked and the other man actually smiled a little. A beat passed. "So what do I do with his body?"

"I-I don't know."

"How long have you been dating him?"

The soldier was hesitant but eventually answered, "Since the whole Thanos thing I suppose."

He furrowed his brows, "I'm sorry for not being there."

"You're alright, I'm sure your tattoo was just as important." Steve teased and he glanced down at his own arm. He forgot that that was there now. The thing with tattoos was you usually forget they exist on your body after a short while.

"I'm just lucky the artist didn't disappear half way through the job."

The man laughed a little and he couldn't help but ease up.

"It's good to see you Clint."

"Me too, I just wished it was under different circumstances." He stood on his feet once again and Steve glanced up at him. "Now, I'm going to detain this guy and we're going to have a nice long talk on why you shouldn't let people beat you up."


It turns out the guy's name was Corrin and they met at a group therapy. They seemed to click well considering the massive tragedy that had just happened and started a relationship without much thought.

He'd been in those kinds of relationships, but they never really lasted long. A week or two at most before they went their separate ways, it never really bothered him, he assumed he was just looking for a quick fuck here and there.

But Steve; Steve seemed like the last person who would jump into something like that without thought. That's when he knew that this relationship mustn't have started with the healthiest of mindsets.

"You know none of what happened is your fault right?" He pressed as Steve sat across him playing with his fingers. "Don't blame yourself."

"I lead the Avengers to failure, how could I not?"

"You did what you could with what you had."

The man sighed and leaned back against his chair, "And that wasn't enough."

"We'll get everyone back."

"Why does it matter to you anyway?" Steve deadpanned, and he paused. "You made your decision to leave so why come back? What do you want?" He pursed his lips at the comment but realised the man was probably venting.

"I came back to apologise." He said and the soldier glanced at him. "I left the only people I could ever call my family and now I'm trying my best to redeem myself." There was a pause, "I don't have any ulterior motives Steve, what kind of person do you think I am?"

The man's eyes fluttered and they swallowed nervously. "I-I didn't mean it that way-"

"Don't sweat it." He reassured with a forced smile. "Just, you shouldn't let somebody beat you like that."

"It feels deserving."

Don't, don't even go there." He cut in, "I've been there alright? I know how you feel and trust me when I say that's the last thing you want."

"Why did we have to lose?" Steve muttered and buried his face in his hands. "Where did we go wrong?"

"For one thing, the Avengers weren't fully together. For another thing, you and Stark had that fight." He could list things until the end of time, but he decided to save it.

Steve scoffed and let out a deep breath, "You're probably right."

"Probably? You do realise I'm the analyst in this team right?"

The other man chuckled a little, "And I've always hated that trait about you."

"God given I'm afraid." He joked and the other man continued to smile. "Look, we'll save everyone alright? But you shouldn't have to get hurt in the process. We can't fight without our leader."

"I lead the Avengers to a loss the first time, how is it going to be any different now?"

"I don't know, none of us know but we owe it to everyone to try right?"

Steve paused for a moment before he nodded. "Thanks."

"Thank me after we win and after I stab your boyfriend."

"Please don't stab anyone."

He rolled his eyes, "But that's kinda my thing."

A beat passed, "I'll tell you what." And he perked up, "You can stab him after he becomes my ex, which is whenever he wakes up."

AN: aaa shitty update but honestly just wanted to get this prompt out of the way !! will try and come back with something good bois
also im seein the film on 24th, pls avoid my book for no spoilers ty. 

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