Confrontations (TonyXClint)

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AN: AHH SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. I'm on school holidays so I've just been sleeping and loosing track of time. Anyways here's a request by @it_is_kat revolved around IronHawk. Enjoy! Be sure to leave me prompts.

Summary: Tony's shared feelings for Clint ever since the first time they've met, he realizes if he wants anything to happen between the both of them, he would need to confront his feelings.

Third Person's POV

He never expected to come back to this farm, he walked down the footpath and slowly approached the house. Tony never realised how refreshing it was to be out in the open rather than the cramped and polluted city of New York. As he approached the dust covered door, he felt a sudden pang in his chest. He wasn't quite sure if it was a feeling of guilt or anxiousness, or maybe it was both. Never the less, he brought up his hand to the door knob and slowly turned it.

The door was left unlocked and as Tony opened it, it created a large creaking noise. Tony cringed at the sound but quickly slipped inside, trying his best not to create any more noise.

"What are you doing here?" A voice he knew all too well asked, Tony snapped up and met the other man's crystal blue eyes. Barton's cocked his head to one side and frowned, he was glad to see Tony but at the same time he wanted to get away from him as far as possible. Stark managed to smile and how adorable and innocent the archer looked, despite recent events. "Here to arrest me?"

"No" Was all Tony managed to say, he analysed the house and saw two boxes on the floor filled with Barton's belongings. Clint noticed Tony eyeing his items and sighed.

"What are you here for then?" Barton asked, his tone of voice changed from somewhat welcoming to defensive and intimidating. Tony walked closer towards him and Clint couldn't help but take a small step back.

"Look Clint, I..." Tony didn't know how to piece his words together, Clint furrowed his eyebrows and hesitantly walked towards his former friend. Tony's eyes casted towards the ground and he scowled to himself, it suddenly got difficult to even breathe. Suddenly Clint touched Tony on the face which caused the engineer to jump. Clint smiled reassuringly and Tony suddenly felt warm, every time Clint smiled it seemed that all his problems went away. "I think I'm in love with you"

Now that surprised Clint, the archer blinked a couple of times and tried his best to say something but it seemed he was placed in a similar predicament. "You love me?"

"I think so...?" Tony himself wasn't quite sure but he continued anyway, "Every time I'm with you, I'm always at ease. There are no words to explain how much I want to be with you, I'm hopelessly and pathetically in love with you. And I know you shouldn't throw the word love around and this is coming from a guy who's faked love his entire life to feel better about himself...I know I'm an ass and our relationship hasn't been easy but I've continued to love you...more than you know"

Clint pressed his thumbs on the ridges underneath Tony's eyes, Tony gasped and glanced up into his eyes. Clint then pressed a kiss on Tony's lips, Stark desperately kissed him back. Clint's lips were soft and everything Tony ever asked for. Barton pushed Tony back until he was pressed up against the wall and continued to kiss him.

"Do you really mean all that?" Clint whispered, taking deep breaths. Stark nodded and kissed him again, a small moan slipped out of Clint's mouth. "What are we going to do?"

"Run? Build a life somewhere? As long as I'm with you, I'll be perfectly fine" Tony whispered pulling away, Clint took a couple steps back considering all his options. He wanted to be with Tony but he knew that the government would always be after them and he didn't want to put Tony through that.

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