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AN: Sorry these prompts are taking a while. I just wrapped up my exams, I'm 100 percent sure I failed but who needs a future amirite (plshelpme). For this specific one I might just combine two prompts into one, because it's similar and change up the pretence of them a little.

Also I might just change a couple of things here and there for this Infinity War based chapter.

Summary: Even decades down the line, Bucky still does what he does best, protecting Steve.

Third Person's POV

"What we're facing, it's unlike anything we've ever gone up against." Steve Rogers stated as he stood across his friend.

"When's that ever new though?" Bucky Barnes huffed as he glanced over his gun. He wasn't sure who they were fighting but he didn't need to know. If Steve needed him on the battle field, he would be there with no questions. "What? Captain America scared of getting his hands dirty?"

Rogers scoffed and shook his head, "I haven't heard that name in a long time." He had dropped the mantle of Captain America after the events of the Civil War. If he had to be honest with himself, it was a relief to drop the name, these days the name only reminded him of negative memories.

"Yeah with a name like that, I'm sure it gets to your head." Barnes teased and whined as his friend hit him across the shoulder. "Shame you had to give up that shield though. I actually liked that frisbee."

"It was never mine to begin with." Rogers answered and rubbed the nape of his neck. Then glanced up as he heard T'Challa's forces call out for him. "We have to go."


Rogers grimaced as he was suddenly pushed back. He fought back the alien beings as best as he could and gasped when one of them jumped at him. He rolled out of the way and hit the alien across the head before he quickly rose to his feet once again.

"Steve watch out!" Barnes shouted, Rogers snapped his head around and saw one of the enemy charge at him. Before he could react, he was pushed out of the way by none other than his best friend. The blonde quickly pulled the alien off and struck it through the chest. Then he glanced back over at his friend. "I'm always saving you aren't I?"

Roger's eyes widened as he saw the damage, his friend was bleeding out, fast. Rogers applied pressure against the wound and frantically tried to keep his friend awake. "I'm sorry, just stay with me."

"Stop" Barnes whispered as he weakly placed a hand over the blonde's. "The longer you stay here to help me, the more present the danger. Go fight."

"I can't just leave you!"

"Yes you can, Steve please. The last thing I want to happen is for you to get hurt." The assassin hissed softly. "I love you."

The soldier screwed his eyes shut, unwilling to leave his friend behind but the news that Vision was compromised just came through. "I'll be back for you, I promise."


Months had passed since Thanos had come and eradicated half the universe. The deaths affected everyone greatly, especially Rogers. He refused to talk to anybody and locked himself in his room. His health physically and mentally quickly deteriorated as well.

He sat on the floor of his room and stared at the knife that sat inches away from his feet. He had contemplated it for a while now, contemplated on just ending it all. He wanted, no, needed to see Bucky. Without his partner by his side, he had never felt so empty before.

He reached out towards the weapon on the ground and realized that it would be so easy to take his life away. His hand shook as he held the knife but steadied as he brought it down to his wrist, as if his body wanted this.

Without much hesitation, he ran the knife through his skin.


His head spun, there was an awfully loud ringing noise. He winced as he slowly opened his eyelids. Wherever he was, his world spun around him. He groaned and shook his head as he slowly pushed himself up so that he sat on the ground.

"Steve?" He heard a voice, a familiar voice. He turned his head around and his heart sank as he saw who it was. "Oh god it really is you."

"Bucky?" He muttered and pinched the bridge of his nose. Barnes extended his arm and helped the other man up. "Where are we?"

"Really? You don't remember" Barnes smiled, Rogers surveyed the area properly once again. He finally realized where they were, they were in his old apartment in Brooklyn. "Why are you here Steve?"

"I-I don't know, I just missed you and next minute-" Rogers could barely speak without chocking on his own words. Bucky frowned and pulled him into a hug. "But you're here now."

"Yeah, but what did it cost you Steve? To be here?" There was a short pause.

"The only thing that matters, is I'm here with you now."

AN: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but ya boi is exhausted. 

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