Wait (BruceXTony)

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AN: I AM SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS IN A LONG TIME. Also speaking of prompts. If I have never done yours, or it just never happened. If I don't ship it, or if im not familiar with it, I'm not comfortable with writing it. I only want the best for you guys and if I feel like I can't pull it off because it's not familiar, I just won't do it. OR, I forgot.

Summary: Bruce tries to find his way into Tony's heart, but as usual there's obstacles in the way.

Third Person's POV

Bruce Banner did not want to admit that he admired Tony Stark. He was a scientist; his life's focus should have been research and nothing more. Love was just a chemical defect found in the human brain...but he still fell for him. He fell for a man he never thought he'd ever fall for.

Banner was nothing like Tony, he was very much so introverted. He did not enjoy partying like Tony and he found it difficult to tell Tony about how he felt. He was anxious that if he told the other man his feelings that he would reject him. That their friendship would have become awkward after that.

On top of that, Tony Stark was already in a relationship. Bruce Banner morally did not want to be the reason why a couple would separate. In the meanwhile, all Bruce could do was just wait. Wait for something to happen.

Maybe he deserved this. After everything that's happened in his life, negative things will continue to stack upon one another. Maybe if he tried to forget about Stark this whole ordeal might be easier to go through with.

"Hey, big guy, you with us?" A voice broke him away from his thoughts. The scientist snapped up and stared at the other person who smiled at him. "Did you catch. Anything I said?"

"Um. No?" Banner responded with a nervous laugh, "Sorry."

"I was talking about Steve. We had another fight." Stark huffed as he sat on the chair behind him. Bruce just nodded as he tried his best not to zone Stark out.

"You've been having a lot of fights recently."

"I love him. I really do but god sometimes I think he's too perfect."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No?! I don't trust someone without flaws and...I don't know, everything's everywhere." Tony mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Bruce hated seeing him like this, hated seeing him worried. Stark continued to rant about his relationship, Banner tried his best to give advice and listen.


Ever since that conversation, Banner had tried to distance himself from Stark. He felt it would be best if he cleared himself away from Tony. He stopped responding to Tony's texts or calls and if they ever came into physical contact, Banner left as fast as he came.

He needed as little confrontation as possible.

"Bruce!" Somebody shouted his name, Banner sighed and walked faster. He heard footsteps slowly getting faster and faster until somebody ran in front of him. "Bruce, what the hell?!"

Tony Stark looked angry, disheartened even. His eyes fluttered as he set his eyes on the scientist who shifted his feet.

"Hi." Banner mumbled as he scratched the back of his head.

"Why have you been avoiding me? D-did I do something wrong?" Stark frowned, he wanted an explanation that Bruce was not ready to give him.

"I haven't been avoiding you and no you didn't do anything wrong but I need to go." Banner tried to excuse himself but Stark caught him before he could walk past him. The two made eye contact and stood in silence for moments.

"What's wrong?" Stark whispered, "C'mon, I need you to talk to me. I missed being around you."

"N-nothing alright?"

"Don't bullshit me."

"What can I do?!" Banner suddenly snapped, Tony flinched at the sudden uproar. Bruce tried his best to calm down. "You want to know the truth? I hopelessly like you Tony but I can never ever be with you."

"What makes you say that?"

"For one thing you're in a relationship and secondly, look at me." Bruce sighed and lowered his gaze, "Who'd want to care for me?"

"I broke up with Steve a month ago."

"O-oh." Banner mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. And I care for you Bruce, I know everything is shitty, trust me I know but the Avengers care for you so much. I care for you so much. You're my closest friend and nothing could ever replace you." Stark stated. Bruce flushed, something he didn't think he can do. "I don't ever want us to stop talking to each other."

"I feel the same way." Bruce responded, unsure of what to do. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"As long as we're alright now." Tony smiled, "But as for a relationship. I hope you don't mind waiting, I'm just not prepared for anything right now."

"I'll wait as long as you need me to, but as of right now, I'm just happy being your friend."

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