Do You Want Me To Stay? [ClintxPietro](AU??)

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AN: yaboi is back, sorry I died for a week but I'm back with your prompts.

Summary: Clint Barton is an undercover agent sent to arrest Pietro Maximoff, but the man has other plans.

Third Person's POV

He glanced over at the plans laid out on the table, his eyes then wavered towards his mobile device that sat beside the papers. He knew he should report this in, but he didn't, he hadn't been reporting in his actions for the past couple of months.

As far as his agency knows, he's either dead or gone rogue.

He was assigned with an undercover operation five months ago; it involved him earning the trust of a criminal named Pietro Maximoff. The man was younger than him by a couple of years and was always eager to annoy the hell out of him. Despite his childish personality, the man was good at what he did due to his abilities.

He had the superhuman power to move at unimaginable speeds, he was impossible to catch both physically and on security feeds. Maximoff's crimes mostly involved robbing banks and other quick to 'get rich' schemes. Fortunately the criminal had never killed anybody, just whiplash at most.

Clint Barton as an undercover agent could not tell if he was in too deep. He wasn't sure why he stopped reporting to his agency, it wasn't as if he cared about the criminal. Maximoff was just interesting.

Barton did what he could to aid Maximoff in his crusades to keep the younger man's trust but made sure he never stepped over the line. Pietro had always noticed the man's hesitance towards crime but never questioned it.

"Tell me about yourself." Pietro insisted a couple of days later as they were at a safe-house. "You're my partner in crime but I know nothing about you."

"There's nothing about me that's interesting." Barton shrugged it off as he picked up his warm mug filled with coffee. Maximoff pouted and suddenly zipped to the chair across the blonde. The older man glanced at him before he glanced back at his laptop.

"Oh yeah? Why do you know how to hack then?"

Ever since he started working with Maximoff, he was mostly eyes and ears for the younger man. He hacks into security systems to point out areas that Pietro should examine or avoid.

"I worked for Nexus for a little while." Barton lied as he continued to type into his laptop, he was researching about their next heist.

"And you quit?"

"It was a boring job, I just sat a table all day."

"Is that not your job now?" Maximoff teased with a large grin, Barton shrugged once again and took another sip of his drink.

"Hey, it pays better." The blonde said and kept his attention on the laptop screen.

"I'm going to go out."


"Just to get food." Maximoff stated and before the blonde could say another sentence, the younger man disappeared. Barton let out a heavy sigh and picked up his mobile device beside his laptop and checked through the messages.

They were from his agency; he decided to just call them.

"Barton? Is this you? Jesus Christ you've been off-grid for months!" Natasha Romanoff, his former partner answered on the other end. Barton simply nodded as if she could see him and leaned back against his chair.

"Hey, sorry for not calling." He apologised in a half-assed manner. "Am I fired?"

"You may as well be! How's the mission?" She asked, he could tell she was worried for him.

"It's going fine, I'll send you data later." He muttered and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Suddenly the phone disappeared out of his hands, he snapped up and saw Maximoff stand across the table with the device in his hands. The younger man looked displeased as he ended the call and held the phone by his side.

"Who was that?" Maximoff demanded, Barton remained calm and rolled his eyes.

"Don't you know it's rude to interrupt somebody-"

"Who are you?" The speedster narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "I've known something was off for months, but just never caught you."

The blonde sat there for a while and shrugged, "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth!"

"I'm an undercover agent that was sent to bring you in." Barton flat out said which left the younger man stunned. "But, five months later and I still haven't done anything."

"Y-You've been reporting me?"

"Initially, but nobody still knows where you are or know anything about you." The blonde said as he stood up and approached the younger man. He held his arm out asking for his mobile device back, Maximoff stood his ground and gripped the phone. He had never felt more betrayed.

"I can't trust your word."

"You're right, you can't. Take my advice when I say, don't trust anybody." Barton moved forward to take his phone back but Maximoff moved back. "C'mon kid, just give it back, I'm not going to do anything to you."

"Why did you never arrest me?"

"Truth be told, I have no clue. You're an interesting guy and seeing you in prison is a waste."

"So what now? What are you going to do now?" Maximoff demanded, scared for his own safety.

"I was just going to leave, and pretend you figured out my identity and disappeared."

"W-Why are you protecting me?"

"Like I said, you're an interesting guy." Barton mumbled and suddenly took a hold of the younger man's arm. Maximoff tried to pull away but the blonde pinned the younger man's arm over his head against the wall. Pietro swallowed nervously, he wanted to run but his legs couldn't move. "Now, please hand me back my phone."

The older man's aura dominated the room, so much so that Maximoff's knees gave out. For a while the two stood there with Barton keeping a firm grip of the speedster's arm. There was something about the older man's presence that was arousing.

"W-Why are you just holding me?"

"It looks like you want me to hold you." The blonde cracked a slight smile. "What? Do you like being held like this? You're one kinky son of a bitch."

"J-Just take your phone." Maximoff flushed and glanced away. Barton then placed his free hand underneath the younger man's chin and tilted his head up. "What do you want?"

"I think it's more of, what do you want?"

"You said you were going to leave right?"

"Do you want me to leave?"

There was a small silence between them both before Pietro's lips parted once again. "N-No but you could compromise my safety."

"I've kept you a secret for five months, I think I'm pretty good at keeping you from harm's way." Barton moved closer, just until their lips brushed. "So? Do you want me to stay?"

"Yes please." 

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