Jealous (T'ChallaxBucky)

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Summary: T'Challa gets jealous over Bucky and Steve's friendship.

Third Person's POV

"God it's so good to see you." Bucky Barnes grinned as he hugged his best friend. He hadn't seen Steve for a couple of years, it was an understatement to say that the man had changed. "Why did you grow out a beard all of a sudden?"

"Didn't exactly have time to shave." Steve Rogers chuckled, his eyes glistened with joy as he conversed with Barnes. "How have you been?"

The two caught up; talked about anything and everything.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you brother." Shuri grinned as she stood beside her older brother. T'Challa snapped his attention away from the two soldiers and towards his sister. "Relax, Barnes isn't going anywhere."

"I am not jealous." T'Challa huffed as he crossed his arms. "I was simply observing."

"You're glaring at Captain Rogers."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're jealous." She teased once again and reassuringly patted his shoulder. "I'm sure if you spoke to Barnes he would understand."

"I will not be the reason for their falling out." He stated and let out another deep breath. "Let's leave them be."

"Are you sure you don't want to stare for another hour?" Shuri laughed to herself. He just took her by the arm and dragged her out of the room.


"You seem mad at me. Did I do something wrong?" Bucky frowned as he approached his partner. T'Challa kept his eyes on the large paned windows that overviewed Wakanda. "You're really giving me the silent treatment?"

"I am not mad at you." T'Challa finally responded and turned his attention towards the soldier who raised an eyebrow. A moment passed. "Perhaps I am slightly...vexed."

"What did I do?" Bucky moved closer until they were inches apart. "You're pretty scary when you're angry so I'd rather avoid that."

"You and Captain Rogers...are just friends correct?" T'Challa felt pathetic that he questioned something as simple as that. Barnes raised his flesh arm and touched the man's cheek.

"You're really thinking about that?" The soldier whispered, "Do I really come off as unloyal?"

"No, it's just." The King narrowed his eyes. "Both of you have been friends for an awfully long time. I just would not be surprised if you would prefer somebody who knows you better."

"Don't say shit like that." Bucky stated and their eyes met. "Steve is a friend and I can never and will never see him as anything past that." Another beat passed. "Besides he's an actual dumbass."

T'Challa managed a slight smile. "I just want to know that you're happy with me."

"Hey, just because you tried to kill me once doesn't mean I hate you alright?" Bucky chuckled and pressed a kiss against the other man's lips. "You're incredibly kind and you've helped me recover, I can't ever thank you enough for that."

"I apologise if I was being irrational. I don't want to interfere with your friendship." T'Challa mumbled but only received another kiss.

"Nah, it's kind of cute that you're jealous." Barnes grinned, "I'm guessing Shuri has given you shit about this."

"She never lets anything go." The King smiled back before he pulled the brunette closer. "I'm not going to let you go either."

AN: woop I'm sorry for the super short update and I'm sorry I changed the prompt a little. 

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