Worth (StevexBucky)[SELF HARM WARNING]

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AN: alright starting to do those two whole prompts I have xD Pls leave me more guysss. This one is from @Unikitty_Fangirl hope you like it :)

Summary: Unable to live with the memories of his past, Bucky Barnes harms himself in the hopes that he won't have to live through the horrors anymore. Rogers has something to say about that.

Third Person's POV

"Buck, what are you doing to yourself?" Steve Rogers whispered as he walked into the bathroom. He saw his partner in the shower. Bucky Barnes sat under freezing cold water with his clothes on and incisions running down his arms. The blonde watched as the blood disappeared down the drain taking away any evidence with it. "C'mon, come out and we can get you warmed up along with treatment for those wounds."

Barnes switched his gaze from Rogers to the knife that laid on the tiles. He brought his knees to his chest and refused to leave the shower. The soldier breathed out and adjusted the water temperatures to be warmer so that his partner wouldn't fall ill. Then he stepped inside with his clothes still on and sat on the ground beside Barnes. He decided to leave the water on to continue cleaning the blood.

"What's wrong?" Steve whispered as he took a hold of the other man's metal hand. He brought Bucky's hand to his lips and kissed the other man's knuckles. "You know you can talk to me."

"I killed them, all without hesitation." Barnes muttered and licked his lips. "I-I'm a horrible person Steve."

"You didn't have a choice." Rogers stated, Barnes screwed his eyes shut and shook his head.

"I know I didn't but I still did it. I killed innocent people, I even killed children." Barnes whispered, "I'm not worth your care Steve."

"Hey don't say that." Rogers intervened and gripped the other man's hand reassuringly. "You're my best friend, no matter what you do, I'll always be with you 'till the end of the line." Barnes swallowed nervously but nodded.

"But what if one day I do something really horrible?"

"Then we'll find a way around it. Like we always do. I'm not leaving you."

"What if I hurt you one day Steve? What then?"

"I'll still love you Bucky. Even if you're the reason I die, I'll always love you." Rogers said and kissed the other man's hand once again. Barnes stared at him, surprised at how willing Steve was to throw his life away just to save a man that wasn't worth saving. "You may think that you're not worth anything, but I do. You're worth everything to me."

"You've already done more than enough for me."

"And is it so wrong for me to keep doing more?" The blonde smiled softly, Barnes's continued to stare at him and could feel his cheeks flush. "Let's get out of the shower yeah? Get you bandaged up?"

The assassin nodded and watched as his partner stood up first. Rogers then helped the brunette up and turned off the water. He stepped out and took a towel off the counter and wrapped it around Barnes. Rogers then took a towel for himself and quickly dried off.

"Go to the bed, I'll grab the medical kit." Rogers urged and Barnes did as he was told. Moments later the blonde reappeared from the bathroom with a first-aid box. He kneeled on the ground whilst Barnes continued to sit on the edge of the bed.

Rogers took Bucky's towel and carefully dabbed around the incisions to remove any excess water. Then he applied disinfectant and applied it to the wounds, he watched as the brunette hissed in pain.

Steve frowned as he realized how deep some of the incisions was. He took out a surgical stapler and sealed off some of the wounds. Then he wrapped gauze around the wounds before finally bandaging it and tying it off. Barnes glanced down at his flesh arm and the white bandages that now covered them.

"Thank you." Bucky muttered, Steve smiled as he shut the medical kit then stood up to press a kiss against his partner's forehead. "I don't deserve all this, I don't deserve you."

"Loving you is a choice, it wasn't forced upon me. If anything, I don't deserve you." Rogers said as he walked back to the bathroom to store the kit. "You've made me the happiest man alive." The blonde reassured as he walked back towards Barnes.

"That's so cheesy." Bucky managed to crack a smile as he wrapped his arms around Steve's waist.

"Hey, if it's true does it matter." Rogers shrugged and kissed the other man on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too" Barnes said, "Thank you, for everything you've done for me and for everything you may do for me in the future."

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