Let Me Do Something Nice (BuckyxTony)

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AN: I want to thank those who participated in the last chapter, I didn't think it would receive such an enormous response. I already tallied it up and got a majority :) Also those who noticed the big old Detroit: Become Human reference for that series, wow I love you and lets talk because I've played the game like 3 times but still have a lot of feelings.

Please leave me more prompts as well!!

Also I hate to sound somewhat grumpy but, can y'all request prompts like properly ;.; I think I said it before, just give me the ship and a basic idea of what you want to happen. If you just tell me the ship idk what the hell to do with it.

Summary: Bucky has a panic attack in front of somebody that isn't quite too fond of him.

Third Person's POV

Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes did not get along and it was plain as day. Barnes did what he could to pursue a neutral ground but was only rewarded with profanities and threats. Stark knew that he shouldn't be so harsh but what could he do? Every time he saw the man, he only saw him as the murderer of his parents.

Recently however, their relationship had somewhat stabled. Tony still hated him but kept his hostility to silent glares every so often. Perhaps it was as Stark was drained more than ever these days. The engineer had been working at his company non-stop for the past two weeks, atop of that he still worked in his workshop whenever he found the time. Bucky knew that it was now or never to try and patch things up.

He started to bring Tony small food offerings. A bagel one day and a cup of coffee another day. If he wasn't mistaken the man begrudgingly muttered 'thanks' at one point. They even got to a basic conversation level one day.

"As much as I appreciate you bringing me food, that doesn't help the fact that I still hate you." Stark mumbled as he poked a piece of broccoli with a plastic fork. Barnes simply nodded as he leaned back against the wall. Tony briefly glanced up and eyed the man from head to toe. "You know I could upgrade that arm of yours."

"Why would you want to do that?" Surprised that the engineer had offered to help.

"Looking at technology that isn't at the most advanced level sorta annoys me." The smaller man shrugged and placed the vegetable in his mouth. "But whatever you say." For a moment Barnes simply stared at his metal arm. Then he simply kept staring. "Hey, you good?"

There was a sudden unexplainable tightness in his throat. He winced and tears stung his eyes. Tony frowned and set down the plastic container before he hesitantly walked over.

"Hey." His voice was softer than before, Barnes simply clutched his shirt as he struggled for air. Tears fell to the ground as he continued to choke. Stark rested his hand on the other man's back and he wondered if Bucky had even noticed his touch. "Don't know how much this means to you but I'm here."

The soldier's hand briefly glossed over Tony's shirt. Stark pulled him into a hug, that had always made him feel better. For the most part it seemed that Bucky eased up by the hug as his breathing started to level out.

"Can you breathe for me?" Tony whispered, there was no response but by a struggled gasp it sounded that Barnes did his best. "I may hate you, but I don't want to see you in pain."

A while passed before Barnes had recovered. He slowly stood up straight and embarrassingly wiped the tears out of his eyes. Then they made eye contact and Stark genuinely looked worried, he felt his heart flutter at the sight.

"T-Thanks." The taller man coughed as he took a slight step back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"You don't have to apologise for having a panic attack." Stark cut him off and crossed his arms, "Are you alright?"

"Better." Bucky responded and cleared his throat, "Didn't think you'd want to help me."

"Like I said, I don't want to see you in pain." Tony mumbled, "Don't think too much about it dumbass." Barnes watched as the other man walked back towards his food that was long cold. "Just...I'll get you a new arm alright?" The older man paused and blinked. "That arm reminds you of what HYDRA did to you right? You shouldn't have to have that attached to you all the time."

"You're just troubling yourself-"

"Will you just let me do something nice for you? God fucking damn it Barnes." Stark snapped, but it didn't sound as cold as it always had been. Bucky smiled a little, appreciative of the offer. "But if anybody asks, don't say that it came from me."

"Where else would I get a new arm?" Bucky teased, and the younger man simply flipped him off. "Sure, whatever you say." 

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