Situation (StevexClint) [CYS 2/???]

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AN: alright let's see if this works, because if It does might do something similar in the future. If you didn't read the note basic gist is choose the decisions at the end.

Summary: Clint and Steve are assigned to handle a hostage situation but it all goes wrong ever so quickly. 

Third Person's POV


Steve Rogers walked towards his fellow Avenger as the man was occupied with handcuffing an assailant. The two had been called upon to control a hostage situation; well Barton had been called here first by SHIELD and Rogers was contacted as backup.

The younger man had a different uniform compared to his Avengers one. He wore a black high collared jacket with the words 'SHIELD' plastered across the back. On his left arm his purple logo was imprinted on the jacket and he wore body armour underneath. The uniform fitted him well and outlined the sharp edges of his body.

"Good job, you handled this pretty well." Rogers commended as Barton continued to place his body weight atop of the assailant.

"I am trained to diffuse situations like this." Clint started then flashed a quick condescending smirk, "Hence why I was called. I don't know why you're here."

The soldier raised an eyebrow but decided not to question the younger man's tone of voice. "I'm here just in case the situation escalated."

"You should quit pretending to play hero Hawkeye." The man underneath the assassin laughed. Clint narrowed his eyes as the man continued to speak. "A heartless assassin has no place in the Avengers."

"Alright, you need to stop." Rogers warned he could only guess where this conversation was going.

"Have you told your precious team what happened in Munich?" The man spat. Barton froze. "I think he's broken." The man laughed at Rogers

Steve pulled the younger man away and watched as a SWAT officer took the attacker away. He pulled Clint away and crouched down to level with the man.

"Hey, are you alright?" The soldier whispered in a reassuring tone. When there was no response he hesitantly reached out and touched the younger man.

That didn't bide well.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Barton suddenly shouted and caused the older man to flinch. "Get away from me!" Rogers raised his arms to show that he meant no harm and watched helplessly as his friend continued to lash out at him.

"You're safe, no one's going to hurt you." Steve assured and thought back on the comment. Munich. What happened at Munich? It had to have been something major for Clint to react like this. Rogers felt his heart drop as he saw tears fall down the younger man's face. "Breathe alright, you're safe. I can get you out of here if you want."

"Fuck off! What more do you want from me?!" The younger man snapped, he glared at Steve as if the man was a total stranger.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know you're alright." Rogers said and slowly inched closer. "I'll make sure nobody hurts you alright?" The younger man swallowed nervously and darted his eyes away. He eventually got close enough to the point where he could pull Barton into a hug.

A moment passed before Clint spoke up. "Rogers?" His voice was still wary, as if unsure that his friend was one hundred percent there.

"Are you alright?" To his surprise Barton didn't try to kick him or do anything to push the soldier away.

"I'd feel a lot better if you didn't smother me." Barton retorted, he was back to his usual self as if nothing happened. That reassured Rogers. He pulled away and studied the younger man. "Here of all places."

"D-Does that happen a lot?" Steve was hesitant on the question yet he asked anyway.

"What? Me freaking out?" Clint forced out a laugh, "Not usually no but I'm usually alone when it happens anyway." For a while Barton just sat on the ground and stared at the concrete floor.

Rogers could tell that the man had a lot of thoughts racing through his mind. He thought about his next actions carefully to ensure that he didn't further upset the younger man.

A: Ask what happened in Munich.
B: Ignore what just happened and suggest that they go home.
C: Assure that he's there if Barton ever needs him.

AN: Alright y'all can choose what Steve does/says and whatever you guys end up choosing will affect Steve's relationship with Clint. At the top see how it says NEUTRAL, that's their current relationship.

Once again I'll only be doing this every couple of chapters, or I won't depending if this will work or not but yeah please join in!!

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