I'm Not A Kid Anymore! (Superfamily)

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AN: I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEVER SAID THIS BUT HAPPY PRIDE MONTH Y'ALL!! I hope my LGBTQ+ readers have had a safe and happy month :) I personally came out recently being bi af, If there's anybody that's still uncomfortable to come out know that even if this doesn't mean much, I support you as heck!!

Also with this chap, remember the initial chapter how Steve and Tony got Peter. Yeah all superfamily chapters are gonna be based off that tiny chap. Alsoalsoalso I just shoved two prompts together for this.

Summary: A quick drabble on how Peter Parker constantly worries his parents.

Third Person's POV

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't just tell his parents what happened and what happened afterwards. During a school excursion, Peter Parker had gotten bit by a radioactive spider and received heightened senses. He could stick himself against walls and his strength increased exponentially.

He wasn't even sure how he would break it to his parents.

"Hey, I have superpowers now."
"I got bitten by a spider and now I have spider powers."
"I'm freaking out because I'm a teenager going through things and I have to deal with this atop of it."

"Master Parker, is everything alright? Your heart rate is accelerating." JARVIS suddenly chimed in which caused Parker to jump. The teenager whined and covered his head with his pillow.

"I'm fine JARVIS, just worried about things." Peter said in a muffled tone through the pillows.

"Would you like me to inform Mr-"

"No!" Peter shouted a little too quickly, "I-I mean it's things I can handle, just stress from school and such."

"As you wish." JARVIS concluded and left the boy alone. Peter groaned and asked himself what to do. Best bet was just to tell his parents but he didn't want them to worry and constantly fuss over it, so he decided to keep it to himself.


Tony Stark flicked through the daily news at home with a cup of coffee in his hands. His hand scrolled down the hologram to find an article of an interest. He paused when a headline caught his eyes.

There was apparently a 'Spiderman' going around and helping citizens. Stark raised an eyebrow and tapped against the screen which opened the article. He quickly skimmed through the report and played a video that was attached.

The man in the video couldn't have been older than eighteen. Tony just sipped his coffee as he watched Spiderman stop a bus and save a lady that was about to be hit. Stark didn't think too much of it, just a guy trying to do his best to help people.

But what interested him was the webbing that Spiderman used, he wondered what the man used to create such a strong material.

Then Peter walked into the room, still groggy due to how early in the morning it was. Stark greeted him and he received a mumbled 'good morning' back.

"Have you seen this?" Stark asked as he flipped the hologram around to show the boy. Parker paused unnaturally and narrowed his eyes as he read through the article.

"I-I've heard him around." Peter muttered and walked towards the kitchen. He pulled out a mug and placed It underneath the coffee maker. "Why?"

"Nothing, it's just interesting." Tony answered with suspicion but didn't say much else on the topic. "Want me to send you to school?"

"Aren't you busy?"

"Can't I send my own son to school?" Stark smirked and turned off the holograms as he finished the rest of his coffee. Peter just smiled and watched as the machine finished brewing his drink.

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