It's Okay (TonyXClint)

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AN: Sorry for the wait, but this a prompt from ray_c13, enjoy :) I REALISED THAT YOU CAN PUT GIFS ON WATTPAD NOW, excuse me while I might spam you people with gifs. Excuse the language XD

Summary: Where Clint is turned back into his younger self and is thrown into the world of being a mercenary again

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Summary: Where Clint is turned back into his younger self and is thrown into the world of being a mercenary again. Fortunately for him, Tony finds him.

Third Person's POV

"What do you mean Clint's gone missing?!" Tony's uproar could have practically been heard throughout the tower. No one knew what happened, all they knew was that their archer had been gone for a little over two weeks.

They haven't really acknowledged it until now because they thought SHIELD might have sent him off somewhere. But when Tony heard that Coulson (He runs SHIELD now...right?) hadn't sent him off anywhere, he went into deep panic.

"Stark, calm down" Rogers stated, thinking hard about the situation. They had checked all of Barton's hiding spots and his safe houses but he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly JARVIS pulled up a news report.

"This just in, another secretary murdered in his own office. News says that there were arrows impaled into the man's heart and eyes. Warning, these images may not be suitable for everyone"

The Avengers saw the graphic images of the dead body, and their blood turned cold when they realised that there was only one person responsible.

"It can't be Clint!" Stark snapped, they all gave sceptical looks and Stark clenched his fists by his side. They can't possibly be thinking that, that was Clint right?!

"Stark, no one else would kill with arrows" Rogers said in a calm manner which made Stark's blood boil even more. "We're not saying that it was him one hundred percent but we're just weighing our chances here"

"Why don't you two stop arguing and let's actually check it out, alright?" Natasha spoke up, breaking the tension between Stark and Rogers.


They had finally located the assassin, the Avengers weren't entirely sure on who it was. He was young, very young and carried around the bow and arrow. Stark managed to collect a blood sample and was shocked at the results, they came under Clint's DNA.

The rest of the Avengers were shocked at the information as well, none of them truly believed it and thought of it as an error in the system. Never the less they pursued the mercenary, Stark flew by and pinpointed the location.

He saw in his peripheral that the boy was going to run but Stark dropped down in front of him and threatened to shoot with his repulsor.

"Don't even make a move" Stark spoke, "Put the weapons down!"

If anything the boy looked terrified of Stark and did what he was told, he was lanky for a mercenary but he was obviously talented.

"Clint" Stark said, hoping for some sort of response, the boy snapped up when Tony said the name. "It can't the hell did this happen to you?"

"Tony, you have to help me" Clint said, "I don't know"

"Why did you kill those people?" Stark snapped, the archer just stared at him.

"Look I had no choice. One day I woke up like this and these people forced me to do their dirty work for them because they threatened to kill both you and me" Barton pleaded, his eyes begging for Tony's help.

Stark sighed and felt sorry for him, "Come back with me, it's okay"


Clint was back to his normal self in under a week, he was just malnourished. The Avengers talked to him about the whole ordeal.

"I don't really know. Like I said to Tony, one day I woke up at a place and these people threatened me to work for them. I really had no choice" Barton mumbled, staring at the floor. "Do I need to be brought in?"

"In all technicalities, the authorities are looking for a 15 year old boy with a bow and arrow" Natasha explained, grinning "If you ask me, I don't think the person they talk about exist"

"I still killed those people" Clint smiled sadly, Tony placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It'll work out, I promise" Stark reassured, "Like Natasha said, no one will be coming for you. Plus it's not like killing people is new to you"

"Thanks" Clint replied, "How does one even get turned younger?"

"I don't know" Stark shrugged, "But it's science that I have to figure out!"

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