Alone (Steve x Tony) [INFINITY WAR SPOILERS]

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AN: SPOILERS AHEAD.Guys I just watched it and the only thing I'll say is, I cried. Literal tears. BUT NOW LETS TRY AND FIX THINGS WITH FANFICTION.

Summary: The aftermath of Thanos's destruction left everyone who remains broken, Stark knew he had to group up with the remaining survivors.

Third Person's POV

Tony Stark panted, tears stained his eyes as he stood on the barren lands of Titan. Everyone that he could possibly care about was most probably dead. He had just lost Peter and now Strange, the man who saved his life, was also gone. He was alone, so completely alone.

Tears ran down his face once again, he wasn't sure what to do. He knew by now that Thanos would be unstoppable and fighting seemed pointless at this rate. He glanced around the barren land and wondered how to get home. He glanced down at the remaining parts of his suit and formed the last remaining pieces.

He needed to return to Earth, then he remembered that Quill had left his ship somewhere. He could only pray it wasn't destroyed. His suit pinpointed where the ship was and nearly sobbed in relief as it was intact.

As he opened the hangar, he dis-assembled his suit and stepped inside. He didn't quite understand how to operate the ship but if it was anything like Earth's ships, he would be fine. He was pleasantly surprised when it operated as how he wished and pinpointed Earth's coordinates.

He wasn't sure how much time passed but he let out a breath of relief as he could see the Earth. He pinpointed the coordinates of the Avengers facility and landed the ship there. As he stepped outside, he saw survivors in the compound. He swallowed nervously and walked towards the facility, he knew he needed to call Steve Rogers.

He had remembered the number, he wasn't sure why but that was something he did the minute he received the phone. He immediately dialled it and waited anxiously for an answer.

There was no response, Stark screwed his eyes shut and let out a shaky breath. He decided to try again, but once again the man did not pick up the phone. Stark could feel his body shake and his legs started to give out. He balanced himself against a table and felt tears run down his face again.

He kept calling Rogers, he wasn't sure how long it would take, or even the man would pick up the phone.

'What if he's gone like everyone else?' Stark thought but tried to remain optimistic. Minutes later somebody picked up.

"Tony?" It was Rogers, a voice that Stark hadn't heard from in a very long time. "Is this really you?"

"Y-Yeah." Stark said as he wiped his tears away, "A-are you okay?"

"Tony...Thanos, he..." There was a long pause, Stark knew what Rogers was going through. "Everyone Tony, everyone."

"Where are you?" Stark whispered.

"Wakanda." Rogers answered, "T'Challa, he's..."

"Jesus." Stark responded, "L-Look I'll come to you okay? Just send me the coordinates." Rogers agreed and ended the call.


Stark came with resources that could aid Wakanda in recovery. Rogers was waiting for him where Stark landed a quin-jet. The two hugged immediately and didn't let go for a while.

"What are we going to do Rogers, oh god." Stark's voice broke as he appreciated the other man's warmth. "He-he's unstoppable! He's wiped out half of the universe, he took Peter!"

Rogers pulled away and stared at his former friend with glassy eyes. "I genuinely don't know what we're going to do. How are we going to stop him?"

"I don't know. Whose left?" Stark asked, then he watched as the remaining stepped out. Banner, Romanoff, Rhodey, Thor and a raccoon?. "This isn't comforting."

"Okoye is helping out the people." Rogers pointed out and swallowed nervously, "We can't do a damn thing."

"Thanos did what he already wanted right? Wipe out half of the universe?" Stark pointed out, "Meaning we don't have to worry about him attacking us again. We can bring the fight to him."

"With what or who?" Rogers breathed out, Stark shrugged.

"Whoever we have. Whoever is left." Stark said, "W-what about Barton? Or that ant-man guy you had?"

"I can see if I can get in contact with Barton." Romanoff stated.

"I can get in contact with Lang." Rhodey confirmed, "We'll get them here."

Rogers nodded and glanced back towards Stark once again. At this point the brunette seemed too dazed to even think. The soldier hugged him once again and felt Stark shake in his arms.

"Tony." Steve whispered, "I'm here alright?" But Stark didn't respond, instead the man started crying once again. Rogers could also feel the tears sting his eyes. "We just have to stay strong."

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