Paint (Steve x Pietro)

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AN: I'm sorry this took so long (Astral_Wanderer129), but hope you like it ! Oh yeah since I know myself, after I watch Infinity War, I might just go home and write fanfic straight away. But I will title those chapters with a spoiler warning in the title 😊

Summary: Steve tries to teach Pietro how to paint but Pietro has very little patience and ends up making a mess.

Third Person's POV

"This is pretty boring." Pietro Maximoff said out loud as he tapped his paintbrush against the easel, "Can we do something else?"

"You're the one that wanted to learn how to paint." Steve Rogers stated as he leaned over to his right to check on the younger man. Pietro was gone from his seat and the soldier flinched as he realised the speedster was behind him.

"I didn't think it was going to be hard." Maximoff rolled his eyes, he stared at the blonde's painting for a couple of seconds and sighed. "How are you so good at this?"

"Patience for one thing." Rogers smiled and rested his head against Maximoff's leg. "Or maybe you just have no talent in the arts."

"That's a little harsh, no?" Pietro scoffed, then he started to nudge the older man. "C'mon, let's do something else. You can finish this some other time."

"I'm almost done."

"That just means you're going to take another hour."

"Just hold on will you? Go bother somebody else if you're really that bored."

Then the younger man kicked a paint bucket over on purpose, Rogers raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but shake his head. As the older man picked it up, another paint bucket fell, as Rogers reached out for that one, another one fell.

"Okay now you're just being childish." Rogers stated as he stood from his seat. The soldier then swung the bucket in the general direction of the younger man. The speedster stood there in disbelief as red paint coated his clothing. "What? You didn't see that coming?"

"One, this is expensive clothes. Two, did that old man tell you to say that to me?" Maximoff grumbled and managed to dodge another attack from the older man. "Fool me once, but not again."

"Okay but one, they didn't even look that nice and two, no not really I just know it annoys you." Rogers smirked, suddenly the air got knocked out of him as Maximoff tackled him to the ground. "Now there's paint all over me."

"Serves you right." Pietro grinned, his eyes widened as Rogers pressed a kiss against his lips. "That doesn't let you off the hook of ruining my clothes."

"There's paint everywhere." Rogers continued to smile as his eyes scanned around the room. "Don't suppose you want to clean it?"

"Why should I?"

"Well what's going to be more believable, Captain America throwing paint around or the clumsy speedster knocking them over?" The blonde smirked mischievously.

"You are an evil man." Maximoff pointed out as he slowly stood back on his feet.

"I'll help you clean up, c'mon." Rogers urged but gasped as the younger man suddenly dumped a bucket full of paint over him. "Was that necessary?" The younger man laughed until tears stung his eyes. "I barely got any on you."

"Hey the great Captain America should have seen that coming" Maximoff mocked but outstretched his arm towards the older man. "Truce?"

Rogers hesitantly shook it, " Alright, let's actually clean up before Tony kills us both."

AN: Kept this one short and sweet :)

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