we have to work together? (sambucky)

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AN: was good homies its been a hot minute !! it's a simple one !!

Summary: bucky and sam fitting into the avengers after the whole thanos fiasco.

Third Person's POV

"HQ is still going to take a while to get back up on its feet, which means some people need to double up rooms."

Bucky's gaze moved over towards Steve who scrolled through a tablet, reading through the damages that were inflicted on the base.

"I know nothing about what you people are like, but I assume that's not going to stand."

His friend chuckled without glancing up from the screen, "No it's not."

He then glanced over at the building that was surely but slowly being put back together. It had only been two days since the whole Thanos ordeal but somehow most of the building had already been rebuilt. He had assumed it must have been due to whatever money was left over from Stark; even dead the man somehow found a way to aid them.

"And how are we going to make that decision exactly?"

"By process of elimination Wanda gets to sleep by herself." Steve shrugged as he finally turned off the tablet. The two then met each other's gaze and the blonde smiled a little. "Bruce will also get his own room. Which only leaves me, you, Sam and Rhodes."

"I'm not sharing a room with Sam."

Steve's smile lingered. "Oh c'mon, you two have gotten along better and you barely know Rhodey."

"Why can't I just double-up with you?"

"Because you should get to know your new teammates better, we've been friends for a very long time."

He sighed and rubbed the nape of his neck, "Fine but I doubt Sam's going to take it lightly."


"If I have to sleep with you then you're either sleeping on the floor or on that couch."

He blinked at the sudden declaration but unwilling to fight about it he just nodded and placed his bags to one corner of the room. Fortunately for them, the amount of space given in this one bedroom felt as if they weren't sharing. He wondered if all the individual rooms used to be this spacious, why would a person need this much space anyway?

"Steve said we'd be running missions together from now on."

Sam smirked at him, "Still Captain America's sidekick?"

"I'm not anybody's sidekick." He bit playfully as he only unpacked what he needed, "I could easily take you on."

"Is that a challenge?"

"It's not a challenge, it's a statement of fact." He responded with a shrug of the shoulders, "I could tie one hand behind my back and still win."

"That's it, you're on." Sam stated as he leaned against the wall. "Later today we're going a round."

He laughed a little, "Get ready to have your ass kicked then."

That night after they had finished their sparring session (to which he won) he took a nice long shower. It had been an awfully long time since he could take his time and enjoy hot water to wind down after a long day. The thought of him just generally being able to relax without much fear was strange but he looked forward to it nonetheless.

He decided to shave and cut his hair whilst he was at it. The longer hair he had gotten used to over the years was now just a reminder of who he used to be and he wanted nothing more than to forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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