Breathe (WS!StevexTony)

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AN: This prompt is by (dezydaria_rumlow) regarding Winter Soldier!Steve, which I actually have never heard of. Well this is gonna be fun >:D

Summary: Steve Rogers facing panic attacks constantly is the last thing Tony wants to see from his boyfriend.

Third Person's POV

"Steve, c'mon breathe. It's going to be okay." Tony Stark comforted as he pulled the other man closer towards him. The two now tangled with each other on the wooden flooring.

Steve Rogers panted for air and was shaking heavily. It pained Stark to see his partner like this and worse of all he wasn't sure what caused Rogers to have these panic attacks. He just knew it happened more than he'd like.

The soldier winced as he felt his chest get tighter, Stark loosened his grip but continued to hold the other man.

"You're safe okay?" Stark reassured, "Nobody here is going to hurt you."

The Avengers had discovered the fallen soldier one year ago on a mission. Bucky Barnes realised in the midst of fighting that it was his childhood friend. Since then they've brought Rogers back to the Avengers facility and helped him recover.

After minutes more of comforting the blonde eventually eased up and his breathing steadied. For a while, Rogers laid there in silence, enjoying the warmth of Tony's body. Stark breathed into the other man's neck and sighed.

"Did you take your meds today?" Stark whispered, Rogers glanced at him briefly before he shook his head. "You know they're to help you with all this right?"

"I know." Rogers replied, his voice faltered slightly. "But I could take all the medicine in the world and we still wouldn't know what's causing it."

"You're not wrong." The brunette muttered and watched the other man tilt his head up. The blonde's lips brushed his and the two continued to stay silent. "I promise to help you."

"I'm not worth all this trouble Tony. Everything I've done-"

"Don't do that to yourself. None of that shit was your fault Steve."

"Tony, I killed your parents, how can you even stand being in a relationship with me?" Rogers's eyes fluttered as he glanced away. The genius licked his lips and let out a deep breath.

"Because it wasn't your fault. You couldn't stop yourself." Stark said, "I mean I hated you Steve. I wanted nothing more than to kill you but after I got to know's different." There was a small pause. "I love you."

The soldier widened his eyes at the words. He slowly glanced back at Stark once again and watched as the brunette smiled at him. That was the first time that Tony had said that to him and genuinely meant it.

Rogers flushed and snapped his eyes elsewhere once again. Stark chuckled softly and hugged the other man tighter.

"I promise, I'll help you get through this."


"Fuck!" Stark shouted as he felt the break in his arm. He winced and watched as JARVIS gave readings on the severity of the break.

So far, today hadn't particularly been the most pleasant. The Avengers were sent to the middle of nowhere to take down a HYDRA operation. Moments later a large and powerful EMP hit which caused the suit of armour to malfunction. Now Tony Stark had a broken arm because his suit didn't reboot fast enough.

"Stark are you alright?!" Bucky Barnes's voice came through the intercoms.

"If I'm not wrong there's a bone sticking out of my skin right now." Stark tried his best to joke but bit his lip at the pain. His suit quickly powered on once again and he stood on his feet.

"Do you need evac?" Clint Barton joined in the conversation. At this point the Avengers were more than worried for Tony.

"Just a broken bone, let's get this over and done with." Stark muttered and let out a sigh of relief as his suit injected anaesthetics into his arm.

Hours later the Avengers were home and Stark's injury was treated immediately. Rogers was waiting for him as they finally arrived at the facility. The team decided that it would be best If Rogers stayed out of missions until his condition improved.

"Tony are you okay?!" Rogers panicked as he stumbled into Bruce Banner's laboratory. Stark smiled wearily and nodded as Banner tied off the bandages.

"Bruce just regenerated tissue and made-"

He was cut off when the soldier hugged him unexpectedly. Banner excused himself and left the two men in peace. The engineer smiled and raised his other arm to stroke the back of the other man's head.

"I'm sorry." Rogers whispered. Stark frowned as he heard the other man sob. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"Steve it's not your fault. Even if you were there, it was an EMP, nothing you could have prevented." Stark reassured and felt the blonde's body shake. "Breathe."

"All I do is hurt people-"

"Steve this isn't your fault."

"I don't want you hurt." Rogers whispered and gripped the other man tighter. Then it clicked, why Rogers faced panic attacks. He was worried about Stark's wellbeing.

As far as Stark could recall, after they had started dating, even if he only received a papercut Rogers would worry drastically. It was only natural that the soldier had an overprotective outlook towards Stark.

Tony was one of the very few people that Rogers had ever opened himself up to. Ever since then Stark had never left his side and earnt the soldier's trust. Even though their relationship was slow, Stark had always been patient with the soldier, fully knowing that he needed time to adjust.

"I know you get worried for me but it's nothing to beat yourself over Steve." Stark reassured and watched as the other man pulled away from the hug. "Give me a little credit for being stronger than how I look." He laughed a little but the blonde had a permanent frown on his face.

Stark let out a heavy sigh and touched the blonde's face. Rogers blinked and continually stared at the brunette's injured arm.

"I want you to know. If I ever get hurt, it will never be your fault Steve." Stark said, "You hear me? Never. Even if you do harm me, I will never leave you."

Rogers widened his eyes and bit his lower lip.

"I'm with you 'till the end of the line okay?" Stark said the line that Barnes had always said to Rogers. However when Tony said it, it held a different meaning to the soldier as compared to when his best friend said it. "Nothing you do or say will get me to leave you."

"You can't guarantee that."

"You're right I can't but as of right now I will hold to what I say." Stark smiled, "I'm not one to go back on what I say."

Rogers shut his eyes briefly and gasped when Stark pulled him closer so that he could hug him once again. The soldier leaned into the affection and breathed out calmly.

"I love you too Tony."  

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