Taking All The Stupid With You (StevexBucky)[ENDGAME SPOILERS!]

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AN: I just realised the ending to endgame makes no sense, will speak about it below AHAH

Summary: Steve goes to have his last dance with Peggy but does he stay?

Third Person's POV

"Steve? I-I thought you-"

"It doesn't matter." He brushed it off with a smile, "I still owe you a dance, don't I?"

He extended his arm towards her and she took it, still unable to quite believe that he was standing in front of her and not in ice.

He picked out something soft to dance to, anything to make the moment more memorable.

"I'm happy you found somebody else." He murmured as she pressed her head against his chest. His hand intertwined with hers as they continued to dance. His eyes moved towards her wedding ring momentarily and couldn't help but smile sadly. "Truly."

"How are you here Steve?" She whispered as she pulled back a little. "Not that I'm not happy to see you."

"If I told you, it would be hard to believe." He muttered, "But I can stay for a while, we can talk."

Her hand gripped his and her eyes pricked with tears, "I missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." He smiled at her and wiped her tears, "Want to tell me what's happened all these years?"


"A part me thought you weren't coming back." Bucky muttered as he stood next to his friend, enjoying the serenity of the water.

"A part of me almost didn't." He said and turned his head a little. "But she was married, and I couldn't stay even if I wanted to."

"Runaway brides are a thing." His friend teased and he chuckled.

"Like Tony said, if you mess with time it tends to mess back." He whispered as he thought about it, "I couldn't risk something catastrophic happening."

"Perhaps if you had stayed, then I wouldn't be here."

He made eye contact with them and smiled sadly. "Maybe."

A beat passed.

"Besides, she was happy. I fought through thick and thin to have you by my side again, now that I have the opportunity...I can't throw that away again."

Bucky clasped his shoulder and they shared a glance, "You need to rest Stevie."

He let out a deep breath realising his friend had a point. "I know." His hand then subconsciously touched the item by his side. "Let me just make sure this goes into the right hands."

The soldier turned around and made eye contact with Sam who seemed to be waiting for them to finish talking. He called the man over and Sam raised an eyebrow but obliged anyway.

"You two done eye fucking one another?" Sam snickered and Bucky rolled his eyes.

He smiled and shook his head, "I wanted to give you something."

"Oh yeah?" Wilson mused and crossed his hands across his chest. "I don't know about you man but I'm done with surprises for a while."

"One last one." He urged and unzipped the bag before pulling out the shield. Sam's eyes widened with shock. "I fished it out, the current one isn't looking too good."

"And what do you want to do with it?"

"I was hoping maybe you would take it." He said and handed it over.

Sam hesitantly took it and held it in his hands. "Steve-"

He took a deep breath, "Being Captain America has been nothing but an honour but its time I move on. Maybe live that life Tony was talking about and I can't think of somebody more suited to take my role."

Sam eyed Bucky a little and the brunette only nodded as if to say to just take it.

"I won't let you down." Sam said and Steve shook his hand.

"I know you won't." He said, "Take good care of it, I can't keep going back in time."

They shared a laugh before Sam spoke up again. "What are you two going to do?"

Bucky glanced over at Steve with a soft smile, "We're one hundred years old, we may as well retire."

"You both look exhausted."

The two shared another look before Steve spoke, "We are exhausted. You can't tell but I'm very close to crying because I'm happy I don't have to be Cap anymore."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "I'm guessing the life of Captain America isn't as glamourous as first perceived."

Steve smiled and shook his head, "You'll be fine Sam, trust me."

As the conversation ended, Steve and Bucky had decided to stay behind and help around. They helped Bruce pack away all the equipment and helped wrap up the ceremony for Tony.

It was bitter sweet to say the least.

"You're allowed to mourn Steve, he was like family to you." Bucky murmured as he watched the man grip a bouquet of flowers. "Besides Stark would kick your ass if you didn't."

Steve smiled a little, "It was my fault we distanced."

"Don't do that, he's already forgiven you."

"I know but it shouldn't have had to happen in the first place." He mumbled as he set down the flowers close to the bank of the water. "I loved him Buck, there was nothing I wouldn't have done for him."

Bucky gritted his teeth and reassuringly touched Steve's shoulder, "I can leave you be if you'd like."

He shook his head and his hand reached out for the other man's.

Bucky took it and gripped it softly.

"I think if you leave I'd break down crying." He smiled sadly, quite literally on the verge of tears.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Bucky whispered, "But you need to rest Steve, find some time for yourself. Go travelling or something."

"By myself?"

He nodded, "You'll find some time to collect your thoughts that way."

Steve breathed out and gripped Bucky's hand, "You're right."

"Always am." The man winked.

"I don't want to leave you after reuniting with you so soon."

Bucky pursed his lips, "I'm not going anywhere Steve, if anything I'll show Sam the ropes."

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Steve whispered and hugged the other man.

They hugged back, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."

"I don't know how long I'll take." He admitted hesitantly and met Bucky's gaze. "What if I never find solace?"

"You will and I'll be waiting." There was a pause, "With you 'till the end of the line remember?"

Steve clutched Bucky's hand one last time, "Thank you, really."

The man pressed a small kiss against his face and he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. "Just come back in one piece."

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