Please...? (TonyXClint)

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Summary: Just a drabble on how Tony Stark and Clint Barton started dating.

Third Person's POV

A playboy, that was the first thing Barton thinks of when the word "Stark" is mentioned. The man's sex appeal never turned off but luckily for Barton, Stark was only interested in women. That was of course before Stark realised that Barton would become his favourite toy. It first started when Barton had joined the Avengers.

"How's my favourite archer going?" Stark asked, he interrupted Barton who was on a SHIELD computer tracking somebody down. Barton glanced up and stared back down on the computer, Barton had never been interested in the playboy but the man was always flirting.

"Busy" The curt reply came, Stark rolled his eyes and stared at the computer screen. "Do go away, I don't have time for you"

"You know you want me" Stark whispered close to Barton's ear that made the archer jump. This so called "flirting" had been going for a while, Barton was tempted to punch the man in the face.

"Go...Away...Or...I...Will...Actually...Kill...You" Barton hissed, trying to concentrate on his mission but the man won't go away. "You can either help me or go away"

"I'll help" The other man chirped, sitting down next to him. "I'll be very helpful you just wait"

Great, just great Barton thought.


Barton got home to his apartment and slumped his duffel bag onto the ground, he then turned on the lights and trudged over to his room. He went to his bathroom and turned on the warm water, he then stripped off his clothing and stepped inside the shower. He sighed and let the hot water run down his body.

He'd been on a mission and needed to relax, once he was done he heard sounds outside, he quickly slipped back his old clothing and walked slowly outside. He was ready to take out the intruder but stopped himself when he realised that it was Stark.

"Stark, get the hell out of my apartment" Barton hissed, "How the hell did you even get in here?"

"Well, I picked your lock" Stark replied, picking up Barton's stuff and setting it back down again. "I must say, get a better lock"

"Get out!" Barton shouted, Stark didn't move and just smiled at him. "...Please"

"Can't I stay?" Stark pouted, Barton just rolled his eyes.

"You know what, I'm going to sleep, you can stay if you want" Barton sighed, then moving away from the living room and back to his bed room. "Good night Stark"


It was when Barton was working that Stark truly annoyed him, he would be filing paperwork and Stark would waltzed over and annoy him. This time though Stark actually stayed quiet, he scanned over Barton's work and his hand ran down the nape of Clint's neck.

Barton didn't know if he did this on purpose or if it was just what Stark normally did, so he elected to ignore it. Barton kept working and felt Stark's hand run up and down his neck, he'd gotten used to Stark's charms so it was pretty normal.

"You're working hard" Stark whispered, "I could help"

"I don't need your help, thank you very much" Barton answered, "What you can do is leave me alone"

"Oh come on, why don't you want me?"

"Isn't the answer obvious?"


"Stark, you're a playboy, you can't be attached to anything and lastly you like women"

"Yeah, but I like you"

"So...?" Barton replied, stacking the paper and stapling it. "Doesn't really change much"

"Give me a chance" Stark pleaded, "I'll change"

"I'm not taking your word for that"

"Please! If it doesn't work out, I will never bother you again"

There was a small pause and Barton got up from his chair and stared at Stark before grabbing him and pushing him up against a wall. Stark stood there, unsure as what to do. To Stark's surprise the archer kissed him on the lips, Stark jut kissed him back.

"Does this mean we're dating now?" Stark asked, in between the kisses.

"Shut up" Barton breathed before kissing him again once more.

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