End Of The Line (SteveXBucky)

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AN: So @deanwinchester requested that I do a Stucky chapter, so thank you for the request. 

Third Person's POV

"Buck" Steve said, worry all over his face as he glanced down at his old friend. Bucky glanced up with scared eyes and stared at the man in front of him. "Do you remember me?

"Your mom's name was Sarah" Bucky smiled, Steve smiled when his friend started to remember. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes"

"You're a wanted man" Rogers said, the minute he heard men from downstairs. Bucky frowned and studied him.

"I don't do that anymore" His reply came, Steve glanced back.

"Well the people who think you did are coming right now" Steve explained, "And I'm planning on taking you alive" Suddenly hearing the hailstorm of bullets, Rogers stared at Barnes as if telling him to leave now.

"What about you?" Barnes asked, slowly getting up. Rogers walked over to a duffel bag where his uniform was and where his shield laid against the wall.

"Well, someone's got to hold them off" Rogers smiled, quickly leaving with his gear along with Wilson. Barnes quickly stumbled to his feet and went to find an exit route.


They were at a safe house now, away from Stark and the government. Barnes was sitting down on a chair and staring at the floor. He could hear distinctive talking from Rogers, he glanced up and couldn't help but smile softly. How did this kid end up saving me again? He thought to himself, looking back down again.

"Bucky" Rogers said softly, Barnes glanced up and met his crystal blue eyes. Roger placed a comforting hand on Bucky's right shoulder, "You're going to be ok"

Barnes wanted more than anything to just hug Rogers and never let go, but he stopped himself and placed his metal hand on top of Rogers. "I'm supposed to be doing the reassuring thing, quit stealing my moves"

Roger scoffed when Bucky said that, he was glad that his friend's sarcasm was back. He was glad that Bucky was back, he missed the man so damn much. "Maybe if you stop being such a punk I will"

"Jerk" Barnes smirked back, the two laughed for a bit. Then Barnes gave him a worried look that made Roger's heart ache. "Don't do this for me Steve, hand me in. You're going to get yourself killed"

"They're going to kill you Buck I have no choice" Rogers argued back, Bucky didn't reply and gazed at the captain. This kid is serious He scoffed to himself, What happened to the kid that got beaten up all the time?

"What did you do with Steve? Bring him back" Barnes teased, Rogers hard stare softened and he smiled. "Well I mean you've got a whole team already. I'm pretty sure they'll be pissed if you told them all to go home"

The former mercenary stared at the group of people in the safe house, they all seemed so happy at the moment, as if there wasn't a Civil War going on. They were talking amongst themselves and laughing.

"Why don't you talk with them?" Steve frowned, "They're not that scary"

"I don't know them like you do" Barnes explained, standing up then looking at Rogers from head to toe. "Damn you, I forgot you were taller than me now"

Steve smiled, and ruffled Bucky's hair, Barnes frowned. "Come on, you got to talk to them anyway. If not you'll die on the field due to mis-communication"

"Hardy har har, very funny" Barnes huffed, "And I'm supposed to be ruffling your hair, jeez stop stealing my moves"

Rogers grabbed Bucky's hand and dragged him over to the group, they all welcomed him in the chat. Barnes was surprised that they ignored the fact that he used to be the enemy, they talked to him like they've known him for years.

"Cap, are you sure you're ready for this?" Barton asked, leaning back on a couch and spinning an arrow around his fingers. "Stark is-was our friend"

"We're not left with much of a choice" Rogers sighed, "I hate this so much"

Barnes watched at how frustrated his friend was, he just placed a reassuring hand on his back. The captain peered up and smiled.

"Are we set to kill though?" The archer questioned, which made Rogers twitch even more. No one here wanted to kill any friends, the group grew quiet. "Are we actually ready for this?"

Barnes stared at the archer, he seemed put off about something. He looked like he was the least prepped to kill anyone, It must be Natasha, Bucky thought.

"We have to do what's necessary" Steve said in a low voice, "Even kill if needed"

The group then grew quiet again, no one dared to say anything at such a serious moment. Rogers then stepped up and left the room, mumbling something about getting some air. Barnes also stood up and followed him outside, he watched as Rogers sighed heavily.

"Are you ok?" Barnes asked, standing next to him. "You don't need a hug or anything right? Because I don't want to catch some disease or anything"

That made Rogers smirk, Bucky eased a little when he made his friend smile. "Tony was a good friend Buck, I'm torn on what to do"

"I'm pretty sure if Tony considers you the same way, he won't kill any of us and understands why you're doing this" Barnes soothed, staring blankly at his friend. "I mean, I'm too pretty to die"

Rogers punched him playfully in the shoulder, not realising that it was his metal arm, he winced a bit. Barnes laughed a bit, which made Steve hit him the back of the head.

"I understand why Tony is doing this but it's unreasonable! You know how many people we saved together? And now he wants to arrest me, worst case scenario kill me" Rogers groaned, running his hand through his blonde hair. Barnes just nodded and crossed his arms.

"I'd want to kill you too, looking at that hideous face" Barnes mumbled, Rogers raised an eyebrow and smirked before pinning him to the floor. "Stop! You're spreading your disease everywhere"

"Shut up" Rogers grinned, before planting his lips on the other man. Barnes kissed passionately back, and ran his hand through Steve's hair. "I've missed you so damn much"

"I know" Bucky replied, then kissing him again. "Just remember, whatever you decide, I'm with you until the end of the line"

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